- Linear and Non-linear Control System Design
- Modelling, Simulation, and Identification of Processes
- Process Optimisation
- Robust and Adaptive Control
- Control Education
- Applications and Case Studies
- Model Predictive Control
- Algorithms and Computing for Control
- Software Tools and Toolboxes
- Algebraic Methods in Control (Invited)
- UAVs Development and Control (Invited)
1. Linear and Non-linear Control System Design
Regular Design Equations for the Reduced-Order Kalman Filter
Hippe, P.
Fault Accommodation in Nonlinear Time Delay Systems
Zhirabok, A.; Shumsky, A.; Bobko, Y.
Nonlinear Control of a Chemical Reactor
Dostál, P.; Bobál, V.; Vojtěšek, J.
H∞ Control of Time-Delay Systems with Time-Varying Delays
Filasová, A.; Krokavec, D.
Equivalent Representations of Bounded Real Lemma
Krokavec, D.; Filasová, A.
Dual Kalman Estimation of Wind Turbine States and Parameters
Mateljak, P.; Petrović, V.; Baotic, M.
Linear Matrix Inequalities Based H∞ Control of Gantry Crane using Tensor Product Transformation
Iles, S.; Kolonic, F.; Matusko, J.
Design of Feedback Control for Unstable Processes with Time Delay
Vrancic, D.; Huba, M.
2. Modelling, Simulation, and Identification of Processes
Structure and Parametric Definition of Linear Dynamic Object via Identification Based on Real Interpolation method
Alexeev, A.; Zamyatin, S.; Pushkarev, M.
Use of Cross Wavelet Transform for Diagnosis of Oscillations Due to Multiple Sources
Sivalingam, S.; Hovd, M.
Lifetime Estimation of Heat Exchangers with Consideration of On-line Cleaning
Friebel, T.; Haber, R.; Schmitz, U.
Relay Identification Analyzing Non-symmetrical Oscillations for Optical Plant
Huba, M.; Ťapák, P.
Laboratory for Renewable Energy Sources and Identification of the Laboratory Wind Turbine Model
Bobanac, V.; Brekalo, M.; Vašak, M.; Perić, N.
Comparison of Two Methods for Determining the Optical Flow
Seibold, P.
Robust Decentralized PID Controller Design for the 3D Crane Process
Nguyen, Q.T.; Veselý, V.
Mathematical Modeling and Implementation of the Airship Navigation
Jelenčiak, F.
3. Process Optimisation
4. Robust and Adaptive Control
The Robust Motion Control of a Robot Manipulator
Kardoš, J.
Digital Self-tuning Smith Predictor Based on Pole Assignment Approach
Bobál, V.; Chalupa, P.; Dostál, P.; Brázdil, M.
Robust Decentralized Controller Design with Specified Phase Margin
Osuský, J.; Veselý, V.
Robust PID Controller Design for Coupled-Tank Process
Holič, I.; Veselý, V.
Application of Quantitative Feedback Theory for Wind Turbine Controller Design
Bencic, G.; Jelavić, M.; Perić, N.
Robust PSD Controller Design
Veselý, V.; Rosinová, D.
Robust Elimination Lemma: Sufficient Condition for Robust Output Feedback Controller Design
Veselý, V.; Rosinová, D.
Robust Tuning of PI Controller for IPDT Plant
Huba, M.
5. Control Education
6. Applications and Case Studies
7. Model Predictive Control
NMPC for Stiff, Distributed Parameter System: Semi-Automatic Code Generation and Optimality Condition Evaluation
Noga, R.; Ohtsuka, T.
Separating Functions for Complexity Reduction of Explicit Model Predictive Control
Rauová, I.; Kvasnica, M.; Fikar, M.
Two-State Bilinear Predictive Control for Hot-Water Storage Tank
Ogonowski, Z.
Real-time Air/Fuel Ratio Model Predictive Control of a Spark Ignition Engine
Kopačka, M.; Šimončič, P.; Csambal, J.; Honek, M.; Wojnar, S.; Polóni, T.; Rohaľ-Ilkiv, B.
Improvement of the Decoupling Effect of the Predictive Controllers GPC and PFC by Parameter Adaptation
Zabet, K.; Haber, R.; Schmitz, U.; Bars, R.
Wind Turbine Power Control for Coordinated Control of Wind Farms
Spudic, V.; Jelavić, M.; Baotic, M.
Advanced Process Control of the BGHT7 Desulphurization Unit
Čižniar, M.; Puna, D.
8. Algorithms and Computing for Control
9. Software Tools and Toolboxes
10. Algebraic Methods in Control (Invited)
Disturbance Decoupling of Discrete-time Nonlinear Systems by Static Measurement Feedback
Kaldmäe, A.; Kotta, Ü.
Transfer Matrix and Its Jacobson Form for Nonlinear Systems on Time Scales: Mathematica Implementation
Belikov, J.; Kotta, Ü.; Leibak, A.
Relationship Between Two Polynomial Realization Methods
Kotta, Ü.; Tõnso, M.
Accessibility and Feedback Linearization for SISO Discrete-Time Nonlinear Systems: New Tools
Kotta, Ü.; Mullari, T.; Shumsky, A.; Zhirabok, A.
Discrete-Time Solution to the Disturbance Decoupling Problem of Coupled Tanks
Halás, M.
11. UAVs Development and Control (Invited)
Ultrasonic Hybrid Map for Navigation of Mobile Robot
Jurišica, L.; Duchoň, F.
Control of an RC Helicopter Model Through USB Interface
Pestun, I.; Halás, M.; Kurčík, P.
3D Off-Line Path Planning for Autonomous Airships in Restricted Known Environments.
Al-Rashedi, N.; Gerke, M.
Data Management Architecture for Tele-operated UAV System
Bahník, P.; Pilka, J.
Gain-Scheduled LQR-Control for an Autonomous Airship
Masar, I.; Stöhr, E.
Experience in Desingning Autonomous Airplane
Schochmann, R.; Pilka, J.; Suchý, M.; Pestun, I.; Huba, M.
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