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Vedecká činnosť:
Teória agregačných funkcií, teória kopúl, algebraická a diferenciálna topológia.



  1. M. Jasem – Ľ. Horanská: Matematika I, Zbierka úloh, STU v Bratislave, Radlinského 9, 812 37 Bratislava., 2009.

Kapitola alebo strany v knihe

  1. Ľ. Horanská: Extensions of Fuzzy Measures Based on Double Generalization of the Lovász Extension Formula, V Computational Intelligence and Mathematics for Tackling Complex Problems 3., Editor(i): Harmati I.Á., Kóczy L.T., Medina J., Ramírez-Poussa E., Springer Nature Switzerland AG, Cham, č. 959, str. 81–88, 2022.
  2. Ľ. Horanská: On Compatibility of Two Approaches to Generalization of the Lovász Extension Formula, V Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems, Springer, str. 426–434, 2020.
  3. H. Bustince – J. Fernandez – Ľ. Horanská – R. Mesiar – A. Stupňanová: On Some Generalizations of the Choquet Integral, V New Trends in Aggregation Theory, Springer International Publishing, zv. 981, 2019.
  4. Ľ. HoranskáZ. Takáč: Characterization of k-Choquet Integrals, V Modeling Decisions for Artificial Intelligence 15th International Conference, Mallorca, Spain, October 15–18, 2018, Editor(i): V. Torra, I. Aguiló, Y. Narukawa, M. González-Hidalgo, Springer Nature Switzerland AG, str. 64–76, 2018.
  5. Ľ. Horanská – A. Šipošová: Generalization of the discrete Choquet integral, V Uncertainty Modelling 2015, Editor(i): M. Kalina, T. Bacigál, Jednota slovenských matematikov a fyzikov, Bratislava, str. 49–54, 2016.
  6. Ľ. Horanská: On some properties of a two-parametric class of copulas based on quadratic constructions, V ZAMAT 2014, Proceedings of Applied Mathematics and Informatics, Editor(i): A. Kolesárová, M. Nehéz, str. 10–16, 2014.
  7. Ľ. Horanská – A. Kolesárová: Construction of copulas by means of measure-preserving transformations, V Proceedings of Uncertainty Modelling, Editor(i): R. Mesiar, T. Bacigál, STU Bratislava, str. 25–33, 2013.

Článok v časopise

  1. M. Ferrero-Jaurieta – Ľ. Horanská – J. Lafuente – R. Mesiar – G. P. Dimuro – Z. Takáč – M. Goméz – J. Fernandez – H. Bustince: Degree of totalness: How to choose the best admissible permutation for vector fuzzy integration. Fuzzy Sets and Systems, zv. 466, 2023.
  2. M. Ferrero-Jaurieta – Z. Takáč – J. Fernandez – Ľ. Horanská – G. P. Dimuro – S. Montes – H. Bustince – I. Diaz: VCI-LSTM: Vector Choquet Integral-Based Long Short-Term Memory. IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, č. 7, zv. 31, str. 2238–2250, 2023.
  3. Ľ. HoranskáZ. Takáč: On comonotone k-maxitive aggregation functions. Fuzzy Sets and Systems, zv. 462, str. 1–11, 2023.
  4. J. Fumanal – Z. TakáčĽ. Horanská – T. Asmus – G. P. Dimuro – C. Vidaurre – J. Fernandez – H. Bustince: A generalization of the Sugeno integral to aggregate interval-valued data: An application to brain computer interface and social network analysis. Fuzzy Sets and Systems, zv. 451, str. 320–341, 2022.
  5. F. Bardozzo – B. de la Osa – Ľ. Horanská – J. Fumanal – M. delli Priscoli – L. Troiano – R. Tagliaferri – J. Fernandez – H. Bustince: Sugeno integral generalization applied to improve adaptive image binarization. Information Fusion, zv. 68, str. 37–45, 2021.
  6. J. Fernandez – H. Bustince – Ľ. Horanská – R. Mesiar – A. Stupňanová: A Generalization of the Choquet Integral Defined in Terms of the Möbius Transform. IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, č. 10, zv. 28, str. 2313–2319, 2020.
  7. Ľ. Horanská – H. Bustince – J. Fernandez – R. Mesiar: Generalized decomposition integral. Information Sciences, zv. 538, str. 415–427, 2020.
  8. Ľ. Horanská – P. Sarkoci: A note on the copulas invariant with respect to (a,b)-transformation. Fuzzy Sets and Systems, zv. 378, str. 157–164, 2020.
  9. Ľ. Horanská: On some properties of aggregation-based extensions of fuzzy measures. Tatra Mountains Mathematical Publications, zv. 72, str. 43–54, 2018.
  10. Ľ. Horanská – A. Šipošová: A generalization of the discrete Choquet and Sugeno integrals based on a fusion function. Information Sciences, zv. 451-452, str. 83–99, 2018.
  11. Ľ. Horanská – A. Kolesárová: On (a,b)-transformations of conjunctive functions. Fuzzy Sets and Systems, zv. 326, str. 89–105, 2017.
  12. Ľ. Horanská – A. Šipošová: Integration based on fusion functions. Tatra Mount. Math. Publ., zv. 66, str. 51–66, 2016.
  13. Ľ. Horanská: Note on sectioning of some vector bundles. Demonstratio Mathematica, č. 1, zv. 35, 2002.
  14. Ľ. Horanská – J. Korbaš: On cup products in some manifolds. Bulletin of the Belgian Mathematical Society - Simon Stevin, č. 1, zv. 7, str. 21–28, 2000.

Príspevok na konferencii

  1. X. Gonzales - Garcia – J. Nunez Do Rio – Ľ. Horanská – H. Bustince: Generalized Takagi Sugeno Kang fuzzy inference system on intensity-modulated radiotherapy treatment selection. V Book of Abstracts of The Seventeenth International Conference on Fuzzy Set Theory and Applications, str. 22–23, 2024.
  2. Ľ. Horanská: Mobius transform: History, generalizations and applications in aggregation theory. Editor(i): O. Hutník, V Uncertainty Modeling 2024, Pavol Jozef ˇSaf´arik University in Koˇsice, str. 6–7, 2024.
  3. Ľ. Horanská – R. Mesiar: Constructions of aggregation functions based on generalized Möbius transform. V Book of Abstracts of The Seventeenth International Conference on Fuzzy Set Theory and Applications, str. 27–28, 2024.
  4. I. Rodriguez – Ľ. HoranskáZ. Takáč – F. Herrera – H. Bustince: Fusion function combination through an extension of penalty-based functions for feature reduction in Convolutional Neural Networks. V Book of Abstracts of The Seventeenth International Conference on Fuzzy Set Theory and Applications, str. 64–65, 2024.
  5. M. Ferrero-Jaurieta – Z. TakáčĽ. Horanská – R. Mesiar – M. Minárová – J. Fernandez – H. Bustince: Multivalued data fusion by means of a selection of maximal admissible permutations. Editor(i): Sebastia Massanet, Susana Montes, Daniel Ruiz-Aguilera and Manuel González-Hidalgo, V Book of Abstracts EUSFLAT 2023 and AGOP 2023, SCOPIA Research Group. Universitat de les Illes Balears, str. 98–98, 2023.
  6. Z. TakáčĽ. Horanská – I. Rodriguez – H. Bustince: Fusion functions based on a soft-penalty function. V Proceedings The 20th International Conference on Modeling Decisions for Artificial Intelligence MDAI 2023, Umea, Sweden 19 - 22 June, 2023, str. 177–188, 2023.
  7. M. Ferrero-Jaurieta – Z. TakáčĽ. Horanská – G. P. Dimuro – J. Fernandez – H. Bustince: Spam detection improvement by using Choquet integral in recurrent models. V Book of Abstracts of The Sixteenth International Conference on Fuzzy Set Theory and Applications, University of Ostrava, str. 20–21, 2022.
  8. J. Fumanal – Z. TakáčĽ. Horanská – H. Bustince – O. Cordón: Fuzzy Clustering to Encode Contextual Information in Artistic Image Classification. V Communications in Computer and Information Science, 19th International Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems 2022, str. 355–366, 2022.
  9. J. Fumanal – Z. TakáčĽ. Horanská – C. Vidaurre – O. Cordón – J. Fernandez – H. Bustince: Application of the generalized interval-valued Sugeno integral in Brain Computer Interfaces and Social Networks. V Book of Abstracts of The Sixteenth International Conference on Fuzzy Set Theory and Applications, University of Ostrava, str. 27–28, 2022.
  10. Ľ. HoranskáZ. Takáč: On comonotone k-maxitive aggregation functions. V Book of Abstracts of The Sixteenth International Conference on Fuzzy Set Theory and Applications, University of Ostrava, str. 34–35, 2022.
  11. Z. TakáčĽ. Horanská: Ordering intervals by degree of totalness. V Uncertainty Modelling 2022, Book of abstracts, str. 25–25, 2022.
  12. M. Ferrero-Jaurieta – Z. TakáčĽ. Horanská – I. Rodríguez-Martínez – G. P. Dimuro – H. Bustince: Sequential information fusion based in multidimensional Choquet-like discrete integral. V IFSA-EUSFLAT 2021, str. 48–48, 2021.
  13. Ľ. HoranskáZ. Takáč – H. Bustince: Generalization of interval-valued Sugeno integral. V IFSA-EUSFLAT 2021, str. 75–75, 2021.
  14. Z. Takáč – M. Ferrero-Jaurieta – Ľ. HoranskáN. Krivoňáková – G. P. Dimuro – H. Bustince: Enhancing LSTM for sequential image classification by modifying data aggregation. V 2021 International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Energy Technologies (ICECET), str. 1–6, 2021.
  15. Ľ. Horanská – H. Bustince – J. Fernandez – R. Mesiar: On some generalizations of decomposition integrals. V Abstracts of the Fifteenth International Conference on Fuzzy Set Theory and Applications, str. 43–44, 2020.
  16. Ľ. HoranskáZ. Takáč: Characterization of k-Choquet integrals. Editor(i): Radko Mesiar, Susanne Saminger-Platz, Peter Struk, V Abstracts of the Fourteenth International Conference on Fuzzy Set Theory and Applications, Printing House of the Armed Forces Academy of General M. R. Štefánik in Liptovský Mikuláš, str. 49–49, 2018.
  17. Ľ. HoranskáZ. Takáč: Relations between classes of k-Choquet integrals. Editor(i): Miroslav Hrubý, Pavlína Račková, V Matematika, informační technologie a aplikované vedy (MITAV 2018), Univerzita obrany v Brne, str. 33–34, 2018.
  18. Ľ. Horanská – P. Sarkoci: On generalized symmetry of copulas. Editor(i): Enrique de Amo Artero, Juan Fernandez Sanchez, Manuel Ubeda Flores, V Book of abstracts Copulas and Their Applications, str. 25–25, 2017.
  19. Ľ. Horanská – A. Šipošová: A note on a generalization of the discrete Choquet integral. Editor(i): R. Mesiar, S. Saminger-Platz, P. Struk, V Abstracts of the Thirteenth International Conference on Fuzzy Set Theory and Applications (FSTA 2016), Printing House of the Armed Forces Academy of General M. R. Štefánik in Liptovský Mikuláš, str. 55–56, 2016.
  20. Ľ. Horanská – A. Šipošová: A note on a generalization of the discrete Choquet integral. Editor(i): P. Kulczycki, P.A. Kowalski, S. Lukasik, V Proceedings of The Congress of Information Technology, Computational and Experimental Physics (CITCEP 2015), str. 189–193, 2015.
  21. Ľ. Horanská – A. Kolesárová: On a geometrical method of constructing copulas. Editor(i): P. Struk, V MAGIA 2012 Mathematics, Geometry and Their Applications, STU in Bratislava, Publishing House of STU, str. 27–34, 2013.
  22. Ľ. Horanská: Note on the generalized vector field problem. V IAM 2007 - Proceedings of the workshop on informatics, automation and mathematics, str. 49–52, 2007.
  23. Ľ. Horanská: On sectioning multiples of the nontrivial line bundle over grassmannians. V Proceedings of Winter School Geometry and Physics, Srni, Rend. Circ. Mat. Palermo, 1997.
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