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Teória agregačných funkcií, teória kopúl, algebraická a diferenciálna topológia.


  • Celkový počet citácií       90

M. Ferrero-Jaurieta – Z. Takáč – J. Fernandez – Ľ. Horanská – G. P. Dimuro – S. Montes – H. Bustince – I. Diaz: VCI-LSTM: Vector Choquet Integral-Based Long Short-Term Memory. IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, č. 7, zv. 31, str. 2238–2250, 2023.
  • Počet citácií       1
  • Józefiak, T. – Okolewski, A. – Kaluszka, M.: On an extension of the Choquet integral for multi-valued data. Fuzzy Sets and Systems, č. 108761, zv. 474, 2024.
M. Ferrero-Jaurieta – Ľ. Horanská – J. Lafuente – R. Mesiar – G. P. Dimuro – Z. Takáč – M. Goméz – J. Fernandez – H. Bustince: Degree of totalness: How to choose the best admissible permutation for vector fuzzy integration. Fuzzy Sets and Systems, zv. 466, 2023.
  • Počet citácií       3
  • Marek Kaluszka – Andrzej Okolewski – Tomasz Józefiak – Michał Boczek: On the monotonicity of the discrete Choquet-like operators. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, str. 109045, 2023.
  • Józefiak, T. – Kaluszka, M. – Okolewski, A.: On an extension of the Choquet integral for multi-valued data. Fuzzy Sets and Systems, č. 108761, zv. 474, 2024.
  • Baz, J. – Pellerey, F. – Díaz, I. – Montes, S.: Stochastically ordered aggregation operators. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, č. 109110, zv. 166, 2024.
J. Fumanal – Z. TakáčĽ. Horanská – T. Asmus – G. P. Dimuro – C. Vidaurre – J. Fernandez – H. Bustince: A generalization of the Sugeno integral to aggregate interval-valued data: An application to brain computer interface and social network analysis. Fuzzy Sets and Systems, zv. 451, str. 320–341, 2022.
  • Počet citácií       4
  • Yifan Zhao – Hua-Wen Liu: Interval R-Sheffer Strokes and interval fuzzy Sheffer Strokes endowed with admissible orders. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, str. 109120, 2024.
  • Güven, Yusuf – Köklü, Ata – Kumbasar, Tufan: Exploring Zadeh\\\'s General Type-2 Fuzzy Logic Systems for Uncertainty Quantification. IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, str. 1-11, 2024.
  • Hundertmark, Sophie – Portmann, Edy: Fuzzy Conversational Character Computing. V Proceeding of AGOP 2023, Palma, 2023.
  • Gleb Beliakov – Jian-Zhang Wu – Weiping Ding: Representation, optimization and generation of fuzzy measures. Information Fusion, zv. 106, str. 102295, 2024.
Z. Takáč – M. Ferrero-Jaurieta – Ľ. HoranskáN. Krivoňáková – G. P. Dimuro – H. Bustince: Enhancing LSTM for sequential image classification by modifying data aggregation. V 2021 International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Energy Technologies (ICECET), str. 1–6, 2021.
  • Počet citácií       1
  • Guang, Yang – Chao, Su-Ya – Min, Nie – Liu, Yuan-Hua – Zhang, Mei-Ling: Construction method of hybrid quantum long-short termmemory neural network for image classification br. Acta Physica Sinica, č. 5, zv. 72, 2023.
F. Bardozzo – B. de la Osa – Ľ. Horanská – J. Fumanal – M. delli Priscoli – L. Troiano – R. Tagliaferri – J. Fernandez – H. Bustince: Sugeno integral generalization applied to improve adaptive image binarization. Information Fusion, zv. 68, str. 37–45, 2021.
  • Počet citácií       27
  • Rasheed, M. – Mohammedali, M.N. – Sadiq, F.A. – Sarhan, M.A. – Saidani, T.: Application of innovative fuzzy integral techniques in solar cell systems. Journal of Optics (India), 2024.
  • Hu, J. – Lv, H. – Qiao, P. – Shi, H. – He, Y. – Liu, Y.: Research on Rice Seed Fullness Detection Method Based on Terahertz Imaging Technology and Feature Extraction Method. Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, č. 5-6, zv. 44, str. 407-429, 2023.
  • Torra, V.: The transport problem for non-additive measures. European Journal of Operational Research, č. 2, zv. 311, str. 679-689, 2023.
  • Yang, X. – Hu, J. – Wu, L. – Xu, L. – Lyu, W. – Yang, C. – Zhang, W.: Binary ghost imaging based on the fuzzy integral method. Applied Sciences (Switzerland), č. 13, zv. 11, 2021.
  • Kolesarova, Anna – Jin, LeSheng – Mesiar, Radko: Scaled aggregation functions. Information Sciences, zv. 575, str. 206-216, 2021.
  • Zhang, L. – Yang, K. – Li, M. – Xiao, Q. – Wang, H.: Enhancement of solid-liquid mixing state quality in a stirred tank by cascade chaotic rotating speed of main shaft. Powder Technology, č. 117020, zv. 397, 2022.
  • Kayumov, Z. – Tumakov, D. – Mosin, S.: An Effect of Binarization on Handwritten Digits Recognition by Hierarchical Neural Networks. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, zv. 300 LNNS, str. 94-106, 2022.
  • Wieczynski, J. – Lucca, G. – Borges, E. – Dimuro, G.: Application of the Sugeno Integral in Fuzzy Rule-Based Classification. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), zv. 13653 LNAI, str. 209-220, 2022.
  • Mehidi, I. – Belkhiat, D.E.C. – Jabri, D.: A high accuracy segmentation method for retinal blood vessel detection based on hybrid filters and an adaptive thresholding. Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, 2022.
  • Tao, Y. – Sun, G. – Wang, G.: Generalized K-Sugeno integrals and their equivalent representations. Computational and Applied Mathematics, č. 1, zv. 41, 2022.
  • Hoang, Do Huy – Phuoc, Huynh Ngoc – Nguyen, Huynh Dang – Dung, Kieu Huu: An overview on nondecreasing binary operators, their properties and applications on generalized upper Sugeno integral. Fuzzy Sets and Systems, č. SI, zv. 448, str. 1-16, 2022.
  • Lopez-Molina, C. – Iglesias-Rey, S. – De Baets, B.: Ultrametrics for context-aware comparison of binary images. Information Fusion, č. 102101, zv. 103, 2024.
  • Torra, Vicenç: $\\\\Upsilon$-values: Power Indices à La Orness for Non-additive Measures. IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, str. 1-11, 2024.
  • Yang, M. – Xu, S.: A Novel Degraded Document Binarization Model through Vision Transformer Network. Information Fusion, zv. 93, str. 159-173, 2023.
  • Li, R. – Zhang, Z. – Shi, W. – Dong, F. – Chen, K.: Chinese Character Writing Evaluation System Based on Image Processing. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, zv. 1047 LNEE, str. 663-674, 2023.
  • Zhang, Y. – Han, Z. – Liu, L. – Wang, S.: DualA-Net: A generalizable and adaptive network with dual-branch encoder for medical image segmentation. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, č. 107877, zv. 243, 2024.
  • Fang, B.: Low resolution face recognition algorithm based on MB-LBP. International Journal of Data Mining and Bioinformatics, č. 4, zv. 27, str. 279-296, 2023.
  • Narukawa, Yasuo – Taha, Mariam – Torra, Vicenc: On the definition of probabilistic metric spaces by means of fuzzy measures. Fuzzy Sets and Systems, č. 108528, zv. 465, 2023.
  • Liu Yang – Yiming Liu – Zhi Chen – Zhiyong Yang – Yaoyao Pei – Haijun Mao: Discrete element analysis of heat transfer characteristics of concrete pavement under electrical heating for snow melting and deicing. Construction and Building Materials, zv. 432, str. 136486, 2024.
  • Yang, L. – Liu, Y. – Chen, Z. – Yang, Z. – Pei, Y. – Mao, H.: Discrete element analysis of heat transfer characteristics of concrete pavement under electrical heating for snow melting and deicing. Construction and Building Materials, č. 136486, zv. 432, 2024.
  • Zhai, H. – Zheng, W. – Ouyang, Y. – Pan, X. – Zhang, W.: Multi-focus image fusion via interactive transformer and asymmetric soft sharing. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, č. 107967, zv. 133, 2024.
  • Jamalifard, Mohammadreza – Andreu-Perez, Javier – Hagras, Hani – López, Luis Martínez: Fuzzy Norm-Explicit Product Quantization for Recommender Systems. IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, č. 5, zv. 32, str. 2987-2998, 2024.
  • Gleb Beliakov – Jian-Zhang Wu – Weiping Ding: Representation, optimization and generation of fuzzy measures. Information Fusion, zv. 106, str. 102295, 2024.
  • Mehidi, I. – Belkhiat, D.E.C. – Jabri, D.: A high accuracy segmentation method for retinal blood vessel detection based on hybrid filters and an adaptive thresholding. Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, č. 1, zv. 15, str. 323-335, 2024.
  • Cheng, X. – Jiang, J. – Fu, W. – Ying, S. – Jiang, X.: Design of a new type of logistics handling robot based on STM32. International Journal of Information and Communication Technology, č. 3, zv. 24, str. 245-261, 2024.
  • Farhadinia, B. – Ahangari, M.R. – Heydari, A.: Utilizing Generative Adversarial Networks Using a Category of Fuzzy-Based Structural Similarity Indices for Constructing Datasets in Meteorology. Mathematics, č. 6, zv. 12, 2024.
  • He, J. – Cheng, X. – Zheng, G. – Luo, C. – Li, Y. – Tang, M.: Study on helical milling of small holes in zirconia ceramics with PCD tools. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, č. 9-10, zv. 131, str. 4773-4796, 2024.
J. Fernandez – H. Bustince – Ľ. Horanská – R. Mesiar – A. Stupňanová: A Generalization of the Choquet Integral Defined in Terms of the Möbius Transform. IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, č. 10, zv. 28, str. 2313–2319, 2020.
  • Počet citácií       8
  • Yi Liu – Guiwu Wei – Haobin Liu – Lei Xu: Group decision making for internet public opinion emergency based upon linguistic intuitionistic fuzzy information. International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics, 2021.
  • Beliakov, G. – Divakov, D.: Aggregation with dependencies: Capacities and fuzzy integrals. Fuzzy Sets and Systems, zv. 446, str. 222-232, 2022.
  • Boczek, M. – Hutník, O. – Kaluszka, M.: Choquet-Sugeno-like operator based on relation and conditional aggregation operators. Information Sciences, zv. 582, str. 1-21, 2022.
  • Bhowal, P. – Sen, S. – Velasquez, J.D. – Sarkar, R.: Fuzzy ensemble of deep learning models using choquet fuzzy integral, coalition game and information theory for breast cancer histology classification. Expert Systems with Applications, č. 116167, zv. 190, 2022.
  • Xue, Yige – Deng, Yong: Mobius transformation in generalized evidence theory. Applied Intelligence, č. 7, zv. 52, str. 7818-7831, 2022.
  • Zhou, J. – Liu, Y. – Liang, D. – Tang, M.: A new risk analysis approach to seek best production action during new product introduction. International Journal of Production Economics, č. 108911, zv. 262, 2023.
  • Gleb Beliakov – Jian-Zhang Wu – Weiping Ding: Representation, optimization and generation of fuzzy measures. Information Fusion, zv. 106, str. 102295, 2024.
  • Borzová, J. – Halčinová, L. – Šupina, J.: Conditional aggregation-based Choquet integral as a Choquet integral on a hyperspace. Fuzzy Sets and Systems, č. 109055, zv. 492, 2024.
Ľ. Horanská – H. Bustince – J. Fernandez – R. Mesiar: Generalized decomposition integral. Information Sciences, zv. 538, str. 415–427, 2020.
  • Počet citácií       4
  • Beliakov, G. – Divakov, D.: Aggregation with dependencies: Capacities and fuzzy integrals. Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 2021.
  • Michał Boczek – Ondrej Hutník – Marek Kaluszka: Choquet-Sugeno-like operator based on relation and conditional aggregation operators. Information Sciences, zv. 582, str. 1-21, 2022.
  • Boczek, Michal – Jin, LeSheng – Kaluszka, Marek: The interval-valued Choquet-Sugeno-like operator as a tool for aggregation of interval-valued functions. Fuzzy Sets and Systems, č. SI, zv. 448, str. 35-48, 2022.
  • Šeliga, A.: On a New Generalization of Decomposition Integrals. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), zv. 13890 LNCS, str. 96-105, 2023.
Ľ. Horanská – H. Bustince – J. Fernandez – R. Mesiar: On some generalizations of decomposition integrals. V Abstracts of the Fifteenth International Conference on Fuzzy Set Theory and Applications, str. 43–44, 2020.
  • Počet citácií       1
  • Chen, Chin-Yi – Huang, Jih-Jeng: Integration of genetic algorithms and neural networks for the formation\\n of the classifier of the hierarchical Choquet integral. Information Sciences, zv. 537, str. 46-61, 2020.
Ľ. Horanská – P. Sarkoci: A note on the copulas invariant with respect to (a,b)-transformation. Fuzzy Sets and Systems, zv. 378, str. 157–164, 2020.
  • Počet citácií       2
  • Radko Mesiar – Anna Kolesárová: Copulas and fuzzy implications. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, zv. 117, str. 52 - 59, 2020.
  • Griessenberger, F. – Fernández Sánchez, J. – Trutschnig, W.: Some properties of double shuffles of bivariate copulas and (extreme) copulas invariant with respect to Lüroth double shuffles. Fuzzy Sets and Systems, zv. 428, str. 102-120, 2022.
H. Bustince – J. Fernandez – Ľ. Horanská – R. Mesiar – A. Stupňanová: On Some Generalizations of the Choquet Integral, V New Trends in Aggregation Theory, Springer International Publishing, zv. 981, 2019.
  • Počet citácií       3
  • Chen, C.-Y. – Huang, J.-J.: Integration of genetic algorithms and neural networks for the formation of the classifier of the hierarchical Choquet integral. Information Sciences, zv. 537, str. 46-61, 2020.
  • Zhou, J. – Liu, Y. – Liang, D. – Tang, M.: A new risk analysis approach to seek best production action during new product introduction. International Journal of Production Economics, č. 108911, zv. 262, 2023.
  • Lin, J. – Xu, Z. – Huang, Y. – Chen, R.: The Choquet integral-based Shapley function for n-person cooperative games with probabilistic hesitant fuzzy coalitions. Expert Systems with Applications, č. 118882, zv. 213, 2023.
Ľ. Horanská – A. Šipošová: A generalization of the discrete Choquet and Sugeno integrals based on a fusion function. Information Sciences, zv. 451-452, str. 83–99, 2018.
  • Počet citácií       22
  • Dimuro, Gracaliz P – Altalhi, Abdulrahman – Bedregal, Benjamín – Mesiar, Radko – Bustince, Humberto – Takáč, Zdenko – Paternain, Daniel – Galar, Mikel – Fernandez, Javier: Dissimilarity Based Choquet Integrals. V International Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems, str. 565–573, 2020.
  • Gleb Beliakov – Jana Špirková – Tomasa Calvo: On the extended set of weights of the OWA functions. International Journal of General Systems, str. 1-19, 2020.
  • Wang, W. – Liu, X. – Qin, Y.: A fuzzy Fine-Kinney-based risk evaluation approach with extended MULTIMOORA method based on Choquet integral. Computers and Industrial Engineering, zv. 125, str. 111-123, 2018.
  • Xiong, S.-H. – Chen, Z.-S. – Chang, J.-P. – Chin, K.-S.: On extended power average operators for decision-making: A case study in emergency response plan selection of civil aviation. Computers and Industrial Engineering, zv. 130, str. 258-271, 2019.
  • Takáč, Z. – Minárová, M. – Bustince, H. – Fernandez, J.: Restricted similarity functions, distances and entropies with intervals using total orders. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), zv. 11471 LNAI, str. 432-442, 2019.
  • Yazdi, M.: A perceptual computing–based method to prioritize intervention actions in the probabilistic risk assessment techniques. Quality and Reliability Engineering International, č. 1, zv. 36, str. 187-213, 2020.
  • Mei Cai – Li Yan – Zaiwu Gong – Guo Wei: A Voting Mechanism Designed for Talent Shows in Mass Media: Weighted Preference of Group Decision Makers in Social Networks Using Fuzzy Measures and Choquet Integral. Group Decision and Negotiation, 2020.
  • Cai, Mei – Wang, Yiming – Gong, Zaiwu – Wei, Guo: Weight Determination Model for Social Networks in a Trust-Enhanced Recommender System. V Behavioral Predictive Modeling in Economics, str. 65–85, 2020.
  • Mei Cai – Wenfei Xiu – Guo Wei: Expected loss utility for natural hazards and its application in pricing property insurance products. Environment Systems and Decisions, 2021.
  • Mei Cai – Stephen M. Marson: A regional Natech risk assessment based on a Natech-prone facility network for dependent events. Natural Hazards, 2021.
  • Kolesárová, A. – Mesiar, R.: Discrete Universal Fuzzy Integrals. Studies in Computational Intelligence, zv. 1040, str. 125-134, 2023.
  • Kaluszka, M. – Boczek, M.: On the extended Choquet-Sugeno-like operator. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, zv. 154, str. 48-55, 2023.
  • Mesiar, R. – Kolesárová, A.: Rectangles-based discrete universal fuzzy integrals. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, zv. 148, str. 162-173, 2022.
  • Boczek, M. – Hovana, A. – Kaluszka, M.: On some distributivity equation related to minitive and maxitive homogeneity of the upper n-Sugeno integral. Fuzzy Sets and Systems, zv. 430, str. 102-113, 2022.
  • Boczek, M. – Jin, L. – Kaluszka, M.: Interval-valued seminormed fuzzy operators based on admissible orders. Information Sciences, zv. 574, str. 96-110, 2021.
  • Boczek, M. – Hutník, O. – Kaluszka, M.: Choquet-Sugeno-like operator based on relation and conditional aggregation operators. Information Sciences, zv. 582, str. 1-21, 2022.
  • Cai, M. – Wang, Y. – Gong, Z. – Wei, G.: Weight determination model for social networks in a trust-enhanced recommender system. Studies in Computational Intelligence, zv. 897, str. 65-85, 2021.
  • Boczek, Michal – Halcinova, Lenka – Hutnik, Ondrej – Kaluszka, Marek: Novel survival functions based on conditional aggregation operators. Information Sciences, zv. 580, str. 705-719, 2021.
  • Marek Kaluszka – Tomasz Józefiak – Michał Boczek – Andrzej Okolewski: On the monotonicity of the discrete Choquet-like operators. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, str. 109045, 2023.
  • Negi, S.S. – Torra, V.: Δ-Choquet integral on time scales with applications. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, č. 111969, zv. 157, 2022.
  • Mehri-Dehnavi, H. – Agahi, H. – Mesiar, R.: New horizon in fuzzy distributions: statistical distributions in continuous domains generated by Choquet integral. Soft Computing, č. 15, zv. 27, str. 10447-10456, 2023.
  • Wieczynski, J. – Lucca, G. – Dimuro, G.P. – Borges, E.N. – Sanz, J.A. – Asmus, T.D.C. – Fernandez, J. – Bustince, H.: dCF-Integrals: Generalizing CF-Integrals by Means of Restricted Dissimilarity Functions. IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, č. 1, zv. 31, str. 160-173, 2023.
Ľ. Horanská – A. Kolesárová: On (a,b)-transformations of conjunctive functions. Fuzzy Sets and Systems, zv. 326, str. 89–105, 2017.
  • Počet citácií       1
  • de Amo, E. – Carrillo, M.D. – Fernández-Sánchez, J.: Several algorithms for constructing copulas via ⁎-product decompositions. Fuzzy Sets and Systems, zv. 451, str. 65-83, 2022.
Ľ. Horanská – A. Šipošová: Integration based on fusion functions. Tatra Mount. Math. Publ., zv. 66, str. 51–66, 2016.
  • Počet citácií       4
  • Mesiar, R. – Kolesárová, A. – Stupňanová, A.: Quo vadis aggregation?. International Journal of General Systems, č. 2, zv. 47, str. 97-117, 2018.
  • Jin, L. – Kalina, M. – Mesiar, R. – Borkotokey, S.: Discrete Choquet Integrals for Riemann Integrable Inputs with Some Applications. IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, č. 5, zv. 26, str. 3164-3169, 2018.
  • Takáč, Z. – Minárová, M. – Bustince, H. – Fernandez, J.: Restricted similarity functions, distances and entropies with intervals using total orders. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), zv. 11471 LNAI, str. 432-442, 2019.
  • Gleb Beliakov – Jana Špirková – Tomasa Calvo: On the extended set of weights of the OWA functions. International Journal of General Systems, str. 1-19, 2020.
Ľ. Horanská – A. Šipošová: Generalization of the discrete Choquet integral, V Uncertainty Modelling 2015, Editor(i): M. Kalina, T. Bacigál, Jednota slovenských matematikov a fyzikov, Bratislava, str. 49–54, 2016.
  • Počet citácií       1
  • Bustince, Humberto – Mesiar, Radko – Fernandez, Javier – Galar, Mikel – Paternain, Daniel – Altalhi, Abdulrahman – Dimuro, Gracaliz P – Bedregal, Benjamín – Takáč, Zdenko: Dissimilarity Based Choquet Integrals. V International Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems, str. 565–573, 2020.
Ľ. Horanská – A. Šipošová: A note on a generalization of the discrete Choquet integral. Editor(i): P. Kulczycki, P.A. Kowalski, S. Lukasik, V Proceedings of The Congress of Information Technology, Computational and Experimental Physics (CITCEP 2015), str. 189–193, 2015.
  • Počet citácií       1
  • Kolesarova, Anna – Stupnanova, Andrea: Extensions of Capacities. V On Logical, Algebraic, and Probabilistic Aspects of Fuzzy Set Theory, str. 181-198, 2016.
M. Jasem – Ľ. Horanská: Matematika I, Zbierka úloh, STU v Bratislave, Radlinského 9, 812 37 Bratislava., 2009.
  • Počet citácií       1
Ľ. Horanská – J. Korbaš: On cup products in some manifolds. Bulletin of the Belgian Mathematical Society - Simon Stevin, č. 1, zv. 7, str. 21–28, 2000.
  • Počet citácií       6
  • Armas, S. – Mimura, M.: A note on Serre's condition for orientability of fibre bundles. Bulletin of the Belgian Mathematical Society - Simon Stevin, č. 3, zv. 13, str. 563-566, 2006.
  • Radovanović, M.: On the z2 -cohomology cup-length of some real flag manifolds. Filomat, č. 6, zv. 30, str. 1577-1590, 2016.
  • Mescher, S.: Oriented robot motion planning in Riemannian manifolds. Topology and its Applications, zv. 258, str. 1-20, 2019.
  • Balko, L. – Lörinc, J.: On the cup-length of certain classes of flag manifolds. Acta Mathematica Hungarica, 2019.
  • Singh, Mahender: INVOLUTIONS ON COHOMOLOGY LENS SPACES AND PROJECTIVE SPACES (Transformation groups from a new viewpoint). 数理解析研究所講究録, zv. 1670, str. 15-24, 2009.
  • Radovanovi{ć: On Real Flag Manifolds with Cup-Length Equal to Its Dimension. Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal, str. 1–12, 2019.
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