Pracovné zaradenie:
Pedagogický pracovník
Oddelenie matematiky (OM)
NB 604
+421 259 325 335

Vybrané publikácie

Článok v časopise

  1. P. Viceník: The construction of discrete additive generators of t-conorms based on the sum of ranges of discrete additive generators of t-conorms. Fuzzy Sets and Systems, zv. 448, str. 157–172, 2022.
  2. P. Viceník: The constructions of non-continuous additive generators of t-conorms based on discrete addtive generators of discrete t-conorms. Fuzzy Sets and Systems, zv. 378, str. 1–22, 2020.
  3. P. Viceník: Additive generators of border-continuous triangular norms. Fuzzy Sets and Systems, zv. 159, str. 1631–1645, 2008.
  4. P. Viceník: Intersections of ranges of additive generators of associative functions. Tatra Mountains Mathematical Publications, zv. 40, str. 117–131, 2008.
  5. P. Viceník: Additive generators of associative functions. Fuzzy Sets and Systems, zv. 153, str. 137–160, 2005.

Článok v kolekcii

  1. P. Viceník: Additive generators of non-continuous triangular norms. V Topological and Algebraic Structures in Fuzzy Sets, A Handbook of Recent Developments in the Mathematics of Fuzzy Sets, Editor(i): Rodabaugh, S. E.; Klement, E. P., Kluwer Academic Publishers, str. 441–454, 2003.
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