Department of Mathematics (DM)
NB 618
+421 259 325 341
Research activities:
Real functions, Multifunctions, Graph theory, Number theory



  1. O. Strauch – Ľ. Holá – J. Belasova – V. Baláž: Tibor Šalat (1926-2005) (in Slovak), ACADEMIA, vydavateľstvo SAV, 2019, 2019.
  2. A. Kolesárová – V. Baláž: Mathematics II (in Slovak), Nakladateľstvo STU Bratislava, 2011.

Chapter or pages in book

  1. V. Baláž – T. Visnyai: I–convergence of arithmetical functions, In Number Theory and Its Applications, Editor(s): Prof. Cheon Seoung Ryoo, IntechOpen Limited, 5 Princes Gate Court, London, SW7 2QJ, UNITED KINGDOM, 2020.

Article in journal

  1. V. Baláž – T. VisnyaiA. Maťašovský: I^{h}-convergence and convergence of positive series. Mathematical Communications, no. 1, vol. 28, pp. 1–9, 2023.
  2. O. Strauch – V. Baláž: COPULAS. Uniform Distribution Theory, no. 1, vol. 18, pp. 147–200, 2023.
  3. V. Baláž – A. Faisant – G. Grekos: ON REAL ALGEBRAS ASSOCIATED WITH IDEAL CONVERGENCE. Real Analysis Exchange, no. 2, vol. 47, 2022.
  4. V. Baláž – A. MaťašovskýT. Visnyai: Remarks on M_{p,g} summability and I_{c}^{g}-convergence of sequences of real numbers. Mathematics, Information Technologies and Applied Sciences 2022, post-conference proceedings of extended versions of selected papers, pp. 8–13, 2022.
  5. V. Baláž – K. Liptai – J. T.Tóth – T. Visnyai: Convergence of positive series and ideal convergence. Annales Mathematicae et Informaticae, no. 2, vol. 52, pp. 19–30, 2020.
  6. V. Baláž: Remarks on separate continuity versus joint continuity of functions f: R^m → R. pp. 8–13, 2019.
  7. V. Baláž – J. Gogola – T. Visnyai: I(q)c-convergence of arithmetical functions. Journal of Number Theory, vol. 183, pp. 74–83, 2018.
  8. V. Baláž – A. MaťašovskýT. Visnyai: Remark on the dominant Weierstrass criterion for the uniform convergence of series of functions. Mathematics, Information Technologies and Applied Sciences, Post-conference proceedings of extended versions of selected papers, pp. 8–15, 2018.
  9. V. Baláž: On Generalized Notion of Convergence by Means of Ideal and Its Applications. 2017.
  10. V. Baláž – M. R. Iacó – O. Strauch – S. Thonhauser – R. F. Tichý: An extremal problem in uniform distribution theory. Uniform Distribution Theory, no. 1, vol. 18, pp. 1–21, 2016.
  11. V. Baláž – J. Fialová – M. Hofer – M. R. Iacó – O. Strauch: The asymptotic distribution function of 4-dimension shifted Van der Corput sequence. Tatra Mountains Mathematical Publications, vol. 64, pp. 1–18, 2015.
  12. V. Baláž – J. Fialová – O. Strauch: Hilbert space with reproducing kernel and uniform distribution preserving maps II.. Uniform Distribution Theory, no. 1, vol. 18, pp. 67–91, 2014.
  13. Š. Porubský – V. Baláž – L. Mišík – J. T. Tóth: Septuagenarian Oto Strauch. Uniform Distribution Theory, no. 1, vol. 9, pp. i–xv, 2014.
  14. V. Baláž – J. Fialová – V. Grozdanov – S. Stoilova – O. Strauch: Hilbert Space with Reproducing Kernel udn Uniform Distribution Preserving Maps I.. Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics (Contenporary problems in Mathematics), no. 17, pp. 6–36, 2013.
  15. V. Baláž – L. Mišík – O. Strauch – J. T. Tóth: Distribution Functions of Ratio Sequences IV.. Periodica Mathematica Hungarica, no. 1, vol. 66, pp. 1–22, 2013.
  16. V. Baláž – L. Mišík – O. Strauch – J. T. Tóth: Distribution functions of ratio sequences, III.. Publicationes Mathematicae Debrecen, no. 3-4, vol. 82, pp. 1–19, 2013.
  17. V. Baláž – P. Liardet – O. Strauch: Distribution Functions Of Sequence Phi(N)/N, M\in[K,K+N), As K,N Go To Infinity. INTEGERS, vol. 10, pp. 705–732, 2010.
  18. V. Baláž – K. Nagasaka – O. Strauch: The law of Benford and distribution functions of sequences on (0,1) (in Russian). Matematičeskie zametki, no. 4, vol. 88, pp. 485–501, 2010.
  19. V. Baláž – K. Nagasaka – O. Strauch: Benford’s Law and Distribution Functions of Sequences in (0, 1). Mathematical Notes, no. 4, vol. 88, pp. 449–463, 2010.
  20. V. Baláž – Ľ. Holá – K. Sakálová – O. Strauch: Spomienky na Profesora Tibora Šaláta. Obzory matematiky, fyziky a informatiky, no. 36, pp. 65–71, 2007.
  21. V. Baláž – T. Šalát: Uniform density u and corresponding I_u convergence. Mathematical Communications, no. 11, pp. 1–7, 2006.
  22. V. Baláž – O. Strauch – T. Šalát: Remarks on several types of convergence of bounded sequences. Acta Mathematica Universitatis Ostraviensis, no. 14, pp. 3–12, 2006.
  23. V. Baláž: Remark on the structure of two function spaces by applying notation of zeros and fixed points. Aplimat the 1st International conference, pp. 61–68, 2002.
  24. V. Baláž – J. Červeňanský – P. Kostyrko – T. Šalát: I-konvergencia a I-spojitosť reálnych funkcií (in Bulgarian). Acta Mathematica, no. 5, pp. 43–50, 2002.
  25. V. Baláž – T. Šalát: Zeros of continuos functions and the structure of two function space. Mathematica Slovaca, no. 4, vol. 52, pp. 397–408, 2002.
  26. M. Šabo – V. Baláž: Sensitivity of fuzzy connectives. BUSEFAL, no. 75, pp. 34–40, 1998.
  27. V. Baláž – V. Kvasnička – J. Pospíchal – M. Šabo: Grafy, počítače, chémia IV. Matematické obzory, vol. 42, pp. 31–43, 1995.
  28. V. Baláž – V. Kvasnička – J. Pospíchal – M. Šabo: Grafy, počítače, chémia III (in Slovak). Matematické obzory, vol. 42, pp. 35–45, 1994.
  29. V. Baláž – V. Kvasnička – J. Pospíchal – M. Šabo: Grafy, počítače, chémia II (in Slovak). Matematické obzory, vol. 42, pp. 31–41, 1993.
  30. V. Baláž – V. Kvasnička – J. Pospíchal: Two metrics in a Graph Theory Modeling of Organic Chemistry. Discrete Applied Mathematics, vol. 35, pp. 1–19, 1992.
  31. V. Baláž – V. Kvasnička – J. Pospíchal – M. Šabo: Grafy, počítače, chémia I (in Slovak). Matematické obzory, vol. 39, pp. 9–18, 1992.
  32. V. Baláž – V. Kvasnička – J. Pospíchal: Grafy v chémii (in Swedish). Acta Math. Univ. Comenian, vol. 44/45, pp. 14–20, 1991.
  33. V. Kvasnička – J. Pospíchal – V. Baláž: Reaction and chemical distances and reaction graphs. Theor. Chim. Acta, vol. 79, pp. 65–79, 1991.
  34. V. Baláž – V. Kvasnička – J. Pospíchal: Dual approach to edge distance between graphs. Časopis pro pěstování matematiky, no. 2, vol. 114, pp. 155–159, 1989.
  35. V. Baláž: Remarks on almost and weak forms continuity of functions. Sborník VŠCHT Praha M2, pp. 53–61, 1988.
  36. Ľ. Holá – V. Baláž – T. Neubrunn: Remarks on c-continuous multifunctions. Sborník VŠCHT Praha M2, pp. 53–61, 1988.
  37. V. Baláž: On almost and weak forms of continuity of functions and multifunctions. Mathematica Slovaca, no. 1, vol. 37, pp. 53–61, 1987.
  38. V. Baláž – V. Kvasnička – J. Koča – S. Milan: A Metric for Graphs. Časopis pro pestování matematiky, vol. 111, pp. 431–433, 1986.
  39. V. Baláž: On weak forms of continuity and product spaces. Acta Math. Univ. Comenian, vol. 44/45, pp. 169–179, 1984.

Article in conference proceedings

  1. V. Baláž – A. MaťašovskýT. Visnyai: I_{c}^{g}-convergence and regular matrix method of summability. Editor(s): Miroslav Hrubý, Edita Kolářová, In Mathematics, Information Technologies And Applied Sciences, University of Defence, Brno, Šumavská 4, Czech Republic, pp. 8–8, 2023.
  2. V. Baláž – A. MaťašovskýT. Visnyai: On the regular matrix method of summability and I_{c}^{g}-convergence. University of Defence, Brno, Czech Republic, pp. 8–14, 2023.
  3. V. Baláž – A. MaťašovskýT. Visnyai: I_{c}^{g}-convergence and M_{p,g} summability of sequences of real numbers. Editor(s): Miroslav Hrubý, Edita Kolářová, In Mathematics, Information Technologies And Applied Sciences, University of Defence, Brno, Šumavská 4, Czech Republic, pp. 8–8, 2022.
  4. V. Baláž: On separately continuous functions f:R^m -> R. Editor(s): Miroslav Hrubý, Pavlína Račková, In Matematika, informační technologie a aplikované vědy, Univerzita obrany, Brno, pp. 11–11, 2019.
  5. V. Baláž: On Generalized Notion of Convergence by Means of Ideal and Its Applications. In 19.Konferencia košických matematikov, 2018.
  6. V. Baláž – A. MaťašovskýT. Visnyai: On the uniform convergence of function series. Editor(s): Miroslav Hrubý, Pavlína Račková, In Matematika, informační technologie a aplikované vedy (MITAV 2018), Univerzita obrany v Brne, pp. 13–14, 2018.
  7. V. Baláž: I-convergence and its Applications in Number Theory. In Matematika, informacni technologie a aplikovane vedy, Brno, Univerzita obrany, 2017.
  8. V. Baláž: I-convergence and its Applications in Number Theory (in Slovak). In Matematika, informacni technologie a aplikovane vedy, Brno, Univerzita obrany, 2017.
  9. V. Baláž – J. Fialová – L. Mišík – O. Strauch: Weighted sum-of-digits function. In 5th International Conferencie on Uniform Distribution Theory Sopron, Hungary, pp. 1–7, 2016.
  10. V. Baláž: Hilbert Space with Reproducing Kernel end Uniform Distribution Preserving Maps. In Atelier de travail "Les densités at leurs applications", St. Etienne, Frace, 2013.
  11. V. Baláž – J. Fialová – O. Strauch: Hilbert space with reproducing kernel and uniform distribution preserving maps. In 21st Czech and Slovak International Conference on Number Theory, University of Ostrava, vol. 21, 2013.
  12. V. Baláž – J. Fialová – V. Grozdanov – S. Stoilova – O. Strauch: Hilbert Space with Reproducing Kernel and Uniform Distribution Preserving Maps I.. In The 3rd International Conference on Uniform Distribution Theory, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Smolenice, pp. 2–2, 2012.
  13. V. Baláž – J. Fialová – V. Grozdanov – S. Stoilova – O. Strauch: Hilbert Space with Reproducing Dernel and Uniform Distribution Preserving Maps I.. In Number Theory, Stará Lesná, vol. 20, 2011.
  14. V. Dimitrieva-Ristovska – V. Grozdanov – V. Baláž – O. Strauch – S. Stoilova: An upper asymptotic bound of the mean squere worst case error of the integration in the Sobolev space by using tent transformation (in Danish). In Proceedings of the 8th International conference for informatics and information technology CIIT, Bitola, Bulgaria, pp. 80–82, 2011.
  15. V. Baláž – V. Grozdanov – V. Ristovska-Dimitrieva – O. Strauch – S. Stoilova: On the Mean Square Worst-Case Error of the Quasi-Monte Carlo Integration in Weighted Sobolev Spaces. In Numerical Methods and Applications, Borovets, Bulgaria, vol. The 17th International Conference,Borovets, Bulgaria, 2010.
  16. V. Baláž – P. Liardet: International Conference On Uniform Conference, Marseilles, CIRM. In Uniform Distribution Theory, no. 2, vol. 3, pp. 1–8, 2008.
  17. V. Baláž: Remarks on uniform density u. In Proceedings IAM, Workshop on Informatic, Automatization and Mathematics STU, pp. 43–48, 2007.
  18. V. Baláž – T. Šalát: Uniform density u and corresponding Iu and Iu-star-convergence. In XXIV-iemes Journeé Arithmetiques 4-8 julliet, Marseille, pp. 15, 2005.
  19. V. Baláž – T. Šalát: Uniform density u and corresponding I_u-convergence. In The 17th Czech and Slovak International Conference on Number Theory, Malenovice Czech Republik, pp. 15, 2005.
  20. V. Baláž: Remark on the structureof two function spaces by applying notation of zeros and fixed points. In 1st International Conference Aplimat, STU press, pp. 61–68, 2002.
  21. V. Baláž: Zeros and fixed points of continuous functions and the stucture of function space C(R). In 3rd Scientific Colloqium Prague, pp. 108–112, 2001.
  22. V. Baláž: Remark on Intermediate Value Theorem and Fixed Point Theorem for Real Functions. In Proceedings of Mechanical Engineering Faculty, Mechanical Engineering Faculty Press 1998, pp. 151–153, 1998.
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