Bachelor Study

Bachelor study takes 3 years and is completed by a state examination and by title Bachelor (Bc.) Our institute guarantees program Automation, information engineering and management in chemical and food technologies.

Engineering Study

Engineering study continues form the bachelor study and completes full university study. It takes two years, completes with state examination and diploma thesis with title Master of Sciences (Ing.).

Our institute guarantees program Automation and information engineering in chemical and food technologies.

PhD Study

The best gradueates are invited to further improve in their academic study in postgraduate program Process Control (under the field Automation) finishing with "philosophiae doctor" (PhD.). This program is open to all EU citizens with the equal rights as Slovak students. In addition, starting from 2010/11, students from  Ukraine, Moldovia, White Russia, Bosna and Montenegro, and Serbia have the same rights as Slovak students (fellowship starting with 500 Eur, accommodation, student rights, etc).

The PhD study takes up to four years. Themes for the next academic year can be found here. Feel free to contact the appropriate supervizor for more datails.

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