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  • Celkový počet citácií       185

V. Baláž – T. Visnyai: I–convergence of arithmetical functions, V Number Theory and Its Applications, Editor(i): Prof. Cheon Seoung Ryoo, IntechOpen Limited, 5 Princes Gate Court, London, SW7 2QJ, UNITED KINGDOM, 2020.
  • Počet citácií       2
  • Renáta Masárová: UPPER DENSITY, QUASI-DENSITY OF SUBSET OF THE SETS OF NATURAL NUMBERS. V Mathematics, Information Technologies and Applied Sciences 2022 post-conference proceedings of extended versions of selected papers, Brno, Czech Republic, str. 55-61, 2022.
  • Dowlath Fathima – Mashael M. AlBaidani – Abdul Hamid Ganie – Afroza Akhter: New structure of Fibonacci numbers using concept of ∆– operator. J. Math. Computer Sci., zv. 26, str. 101-112, 2022.
V. Baláž: On Generalized Notion of Convergence by Means of Ideal and Its Applications. V 19.Konferencia košických matematikov, 2018.
  • Počet citácií       1
  • Masárová, Renáta: UPPER DENSITY, QUASI-DENSITY OF SUBSET OF THE SETS OF NATURAL NUMBERS. Mathematics, Information Technologies and Applied Sciences, str. 55, 2022.
V. Baláž – J. Gogola – T. Visnyai: I(q)c-convergence of arithmetical functions. Journal of Number Theory, zv. 183, str. 74–83, 2018.
  • Počet citácií       5
  • J. Bukor – J.T. Tóth – F. Ferdinand: Sets with countably infinitely many prescribed weighted densities. Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics, č. 2, zv. 50, str. 467-477, 2020.
  • Andrei Volodin – Mehmet Unver – Rita Giuliano Antonini: On the Concept of A-statistical Uniform Integrability and the Law of Large Numbers. Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics, č. 12, zv. 40, str. 2034–2042, 2019.
  • Adem, Abdu Awel – Kucukaslan, Mehmet: A Note on Statistical Limit and Cluster Points of The Arithmetical Functions ap (n), $\gamma$ (n), and $\tau$ (n) in The Sense of Density. Journal of the Indonesian Mathematical Society, č. 2, zv. 26, str. 224–233, 2020.
  • T{ó}th, János T – Filip, Ferdinánd – Bukor, J{ó}zsef – Zsilinszky, Lászl{ó}: On I \_< q I< q-and I \_ ≤ q I≤ q-convergence of arithmetic functions. Periodica Mathematica Hungarica, zv. 82, str. 125–135, 2021.
  • A. Awel: REMARKS ON THE ARITHMETICAL FUNCTION (ap(n)). Journal of Universal Mathematics, č. 2, zv. 3, str. 131-136, 2020.
V. Baláž – M. R. Iacó – O. Strauch – S. Thonhauser – R. F. Tichý: An extremal problem in uniform distribution theory. Uniform Distribution Theory, č. 1, zv. 18, str. 1–21, 2016.
  • Počet citácií       2
  • Iac{\`o: Distribution functions, extremal limits and optimal transport. Indagationes Mathematicae, č. 5, zv. 26, str. 823–841, 2015.
  • Durante, Fabrizio – Fernández-Sánchez, Juan – Ignazzi, Claudio – Trutschnig, Wolfgang: On extremal problems for pairs of uniformly distributed sequences and integrals with respect to copula measures. Uniform distribution theory, č. 2, zv. 15, str. 99–112, 2020.
V. Baláž – J. Fialová – O. Strauch: Hilbert space with reproducing kernel and uniform distribution preserving maps II.. Uniform Distribution Theory, č. 1, zv. 18, str. 67–91, 2014.
  • Počet citácií       2
  • Hinrichs, Aicke – Kritzinger, Ralph – Pillichshammer, Friedrich: Optimal order of $ L\_p $-discrepancy of digit shifted Hammersley point sets in dimension 2. arXiv preprint arXiv:1410.4315, 2014.
  • Goda, Takashi – Suzuki, Kosuke – Yoshiki, Takehito: The b-adic tent transformation for quasi-Monte Carlo integration using digital nets. Journal of Approximation Theory, zv. 194, str. 62–86, 2015.
V. Baláž – L. Mišík – O. Strauch – J. T. Tóth: Distribution functions of ratio sequences, III.. Publicationes Mathematicae Debrecen, č. 3-4, zv. 82, str. 1–19, 2013.
  • Počet citácií       6
  • Miska, Piotr – T{ó}th, János T: Characteristics of distributions of sets and their $(R) $-and $(N) $-denseness. arXiv preprint arXiv:2210.12303, 2022.
  • Iac{\`o: Distribution functions, extremal limits and optimal transport. Indagationes Mathematicae, č. 5, zv. 26, str. 823–841, 2015.
  • T{ó}th, J{Á}NOS T – Filip, Ferdinand – Bukor, J{Ó}ZSEF: On properties derived from different types of asymptotic distribution functions of ratio sequences. Publ. Math. Debrecen, č. 1-2, zv. 95, str. 219–230, 2019.
  • Bukor, J{ó}zsef – Csiba, Peter: Best bounds for dispersion of ratio block sequences for certain subsets of integers. V Annales Mathematicae et Informaticae, str. 55–60, 2018.
  • Svitek, Szilárd – Vontszem{\H{u}: On structure of the family of regularly distributed sets with respect to the union. V Annales Mathematicae et Informaticae, str. 109–119, 2021.
  • Miska, Piotr – T{ó}th, János T: Characteristics of Distributions of Sets and Their (R)-and (N)-Denseness. Results in Mathematics, č. 2, zv. 78, str. 54, 2023.
V. Baláž – L. Mišík – O. Strauch – J. T. Tóth: Distribution Functions of Ratio Sequences IV.. Periodica Mathematica Hungarica, č. 1, zv. 66, str. 1–22, 2013.
  • Počet citácií       5
  • Bukor, J{Ó}ZSEF – Filip, Ferdinand – T{ó}th, J{Á}NOS T: On properties derived from different types of asymptotic distribution functions of ratio sequences. Publ. Math. Debrecen, str. 95–1, 2019.
  • Svitek, Szilárd – Vontszem{\H{u}: On structure of the family of regularly distributed sets with respect to the union. V Annales Mathematicae et Informaticae, str. 109–119, 2021.
  • R.M. Iac{\`o – S. Thonhauser – R.F. Tichy: Distribution functions, extremal limits and optimal transport. Indagationes mathematicae, č. 5, zv. 26, str. 823–841, 2015.
  • Bukor, J{ó}zsef – Csiba, Peter: Best bounds for dispersion of ratio block sequences for certain subsets of integers. V Annales Mathematicae et Informaticae, str. 55–60, 2018.
  • Miska, Piotr – T{ó}th, János T: Characteristics of Distributions of Sets and Their (R)-and (N)-Denseness. Results in Mathematics, č. 2, zv. 78, str. 54, 2023.
V. Baláž – P. Liardet – O. Strauch: Distribution Functions Of Sequence Phi(N)/N, M\in[K,K+N), As K,N Go To Infinity. INTEGERS, zv. 10, str. 705–732, 2010.
  • Počet citácií       5
  • Morgan, Frank: Soap Bubbles and Mathematics. OF THE EUROPEAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY, zv. 2, str. 32, 2015.
  • Barat, Guy – Grabner, Peter J – Hellekalek, Peter: Pierre Liardet (1943–2014) in memoriam. EMS Newsletter, 2015.
  • Pollack, Paul: Equidistribution mod q of abundant and deficient numbers. Unif. Distrib. Theory, zv. 9, str. 99–114, 2014.
  • Kraaikamp, Cor: Pierre Liardet (1943–2014). Uniform distribution theory, č. 1, zv. 11, str. i–xi, 2016.
  • Paštéka, Milan: Density and related topics, monography, VEDA, Academia, 2017.
V. Baláž – K. Nagasaka – O. Strauch: Benford’s Law and Distribution Functions of Sequences in (0, 1). Mathematical Notes, č. 4, zv. 88, str. 449–463, 2010.
  • Počet citácií       2
  • Paštéka, Milan: Density and related topics monography, 2017.
  • Allen, Demi – Brewer, Sky: Distribution Of Sequences Generated By Certain Simply-Constructed Normal Numbers. arXiv preprint arXiv:1511.01789, 2015.
V. Baláž – K. Nagasaka – O. Strauch: Zakon Benforda i funkcii raspredelenija posledovateľnostej na (0,1). Matematičeskie zametki, č. 4, zv. 88, str. 485–501, 2010.
  • Počet citácií       3
  • Лукін, ВО – Дубницький, ВЮ – Гадецька, Світлана Вікторівна – Ходирєв, ОІ: Використання закону Бенфорда (закону першої цифри, закону аномальних відхилень) під час проведення фінансового аудиту. Системи обробки інформації, č. 2 (157),, str. 22–32, 2019.
  • Paštéka, Milan: On four approaches to density, monography, Peter Lang, International academic publisher, 2013.
  • Paštéka, Milan: Density and related topics, monography, VEDA, Academia, 2017.
V. Baláž – P. Liardet: International Conference On Uniform Conference, Marseilles, CIRM. V Uniform Distribution Theory, č. 2, zv. 3, str. 1–8, 2008.
  • Počet citácií       3
  • Barat, Guy – Grabner, Peter J – Hellekalek, Peter: Pierre Liardet (1943–2014) in memoriam. EMS Newsletter, 2015.
  • Kraaikamp, Cor: Pierre Liardet (1943–2014). Uniform distribution theory, č. 1, zv. 11, str. i–xi, 2016.
  • Morgan, Frank: Soap Bubbles and Mathematics. OF THE EUROPEAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY, zv. 2, str. 32, 2015.
V. Baláž – O. Strauch – T. Šalát: Remarks on several types of convergence of bounded sequences. Acta Mathematica Universitatis Ostraviensis, č. 14, str. 3–12, 2006.
  • Počet citácií       1
  • Mohiuddine, SA – Belen, C: Restricted uniform density and corresponding convergence methods. Filomat, č. 12, zv. 30, str. 3209–3216, 2016.
V. Baláž – T. Šalát: Uniform density u and corresponding I_u convergence. Mathematical Communications, č. 11, str. 1–7, 2006.
  • Počet citácií       33
  • Mursaleen, M. – Alotaibi, A. – Alghamdi, M.A.: I-Summability and I-approximation through invariant mean. JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL ANALYSIS AND APPLICATIONS, č. 6, zv. 14, str. 1049-1058, 2012.
  • Tas, E. – Yurdakadmin, T.: Characterization of uniform statistical convergence for double sequences. Miskolc Mathematical Notes, č. 2, zv. 13, str. 543–553, 2012.
  • Das, P. – Savas, E.: Double uniform density and corresponding convergence of double sequences. Studia Scientiarum Mathematicarum Hungarica, č. 4, zv. 44, str. 419-435, 2012.
  • Boccuto, A. – Dimitriou, X.: Modes of Ideal Continuity of (l)-Group-Valued Measures. International Mathematical Forum, č. 17, zv. 8, str. 841 - 849, 2013.
  • Hazarika, B.: On σ-uniform density and ideal convergent sequences of fuzzy real numbers. Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems, č. 2, zv. 26, str. 793-799, 2014.
  • E. Yilmaz – S.A. Mohiuddine – Y. Altin – H. Koyunbakan: Uniform lacunary statistical convergence on time scales. Int. J. Anal. Appl., č. 14, zv. 1, str. 99-106, 2017.
  • T. Yurdakadim – L. Miller-Van Wieren: Some results on uniform statistical cluster points. Turkish J. Math., č. 41, str. 1133-1139, 2017.
  • Masárová, Renáta: UPPER DENSITY, QUASI-DENSITY OF SUBSET OF THE SETS OF NATURAL NUMBERS. Mathematics, Information Technologies and Applied Sciences, str. 55, 2022.
  • Khan, Vakeel A – Khan, Izhar Ali – Esi, Ayhan: Invariant convergent and invariant ideal convergent sequence in intuitionistic fuzzy normed space. Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, č. Preprint, str. 1–10, 2000.
  • Pal, Sudip Kumar: Further remarks on uniform statistical convergence of order $$$\backslash$alpha $$ $\alpha$. The Journal of Analysis, str. 1–10, 2022.
  • Pal, Sudip Kumar: Further remarks on uniform statistical convergence of order $$$\backslash$alpha $$ $\alpha$. The Journal of Analysis, str. 1–10, 2022.
  • Masarova, Renata – Visnyai, Tomas – Vrabel, Robert: Quasi-Density of Sets, Quasi-Statistical Convergence and the Matrix Summability Method. Axioms, č. 3, zv. 11, str. 88, 2022.
  • 施慧华: $\beta$-统计收敛与收敛的关系. 华侨大学学报: 自然科学版, č. 5, zv. 32, str. 597–600, 2011.
  • Miller-Van Wieren, Leila – Ta{\c{s}: Category theoretical view of I-cluster and I-limit points of subsequences. Acta et Commentationes Universitatis Tartuensis de Mathematica, č. 1, zv. 24, str. 103–108, 2020.
  • Mohiuddine, SA – Belen, C: Restricted uniform density and corresponding convergence methods. Filomat, č. 12, zv. 30, str. 3209–3216, 2016.
  • Altin, Yavuz – {\c{C}}olak, Rifat – Torgut, Birg{ü}l: I2 (u)-convergence of double sequences of order ($\alpha$, $\beta$). Georgian Mathematical Journal, č. 2, zv. 22, str. 153–158, 2015.
  • Macaj, Martin – Sleziak, Martin – Toma, Vladim{\i}r: On weighted uniform density. Unif. Distrib. Theory, zv. 3, str. 101–127, 2008.
  • Gogola, J – Mačaj, M – Visnyai, T: On Ic (q)-convergence. V Annales Mathematicae et Informaticae, str. 27–36, 2011.
  • Yardimci, Seyhmus: Multipliers and factorizations for bounded I-convergent sequences. Mathematical Communications, č. 2, zv. 11, str. 181–185, 2006.
  • Barbarski, Pawe{\l} – Filip{ó}w, Rafa{\l} – Mro{\.z}ek, Nikodem – Szuca, Piotr: Uniform density $ u $ and $$\backslash$I\_u $-convergence on a big set. Mathematical Communications, č. 1, zv. 16, str. 125–130, 2011.
  • Altin, Yavuz – Koyunbakan, Hikmet – Yilmaz, Emrah: Uniform statistical convergence on time scales. Journal of Applied Mathematics, zv. 2014, 2014.
  • Akta{\c{s}: Generalized product of fuzzy subgroups and t-level subgroups. Mathematical communications, č. 2, zv. 11, str. 121–128, 2006.
  • Nuray, Fatih – G{ö}k, Hafize – Ulusu, U{\u{g}}ur: $ I\_ $\{$$\backslash$sigma$\}$ $-Convergence. Mathematical Communications, č. 2, zv. 16, str. 531–538, 2011.
  • Mursaleen, M – Edely, Osama HH: On the invariant mean and statistical convergence. Applied Mathematics Letters, č. 11, zv. 22, str. 1700–1704, 2009.
  • Boccuto, Antonio – Dimitriou, Xenofon: Convergence theorems for lattice group-valued measures, monography, 2015.
  • Kisi, Omer – Guler, Erhan: Uniform J-Lacunary statistical convergence on time scales. New Trends in Mathematical Sciences, č. 4, zv. 6, str. 142–153, 2018.
  • S{ü}mb{ü}l, Canan – Y{\i}ld{\i}r{\i}m, Mustafa – Belen, Cemal: On statistical and strong convergence with respect to a modulus function and a power series method. Filomat, č. 12, zv. 34, str. 3981–3993, 2020.
  • Miller-Van Wieren, Leila: A note on subsequences of equidistributed and well distributed sequences. Advances in Math.: Sci. Journal, č. 1, zv. 10, str. 377–384, 2021.
  • Leila Miller-Van Wieren: SOME PROPERTIES OF EQUIDISTRIBUTED AND WELL DISTRIBUTED SEQUENCES. Advances in Mathematics: Scientific Journal, č. 9, zv. 10, str. 3175, 2021.
  • M{\.I}LLER-VAN W{\.I}EREN, Leila – YURDAKAD{\.I}M, Tu{\u{g}}ba – Emre, TA{\c{S}}: Some new insights into ideal convergence and subsequences. Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics, č. 5, zv. 51, str. 1–6, 2022.
  • M{\.I}LLER-VAN W{\.I}EREN, Leila – Emre, TA{\c{S}} – YURDAKAD{\.I}M, Tu{\u{g}}ba: Some new insights into ideal convergence and subsequences. Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics, č. 5, zv. 51, str. 1379–1384}, 2000.
  • Pal, Sudip Kumar: Further remarks on uniform statistical convergence of order $\alpha$. The Journal of Analysis, č. 1, zv. 31, str. 343–352, 2023.
  • G{ü}lf{\i}rat, Mustafa – Bayram, Nilay {\c{S}}ahin: On uniform statistical convergence. Georgian Mathematical Journal, č. 6, zv. 30, str. 873–882, 2023.
V. Baláž – J. Červeňanský – P. Kostyrko – T. Šalát: I-convergence and I-continuity of real functions. Acta Mathematica, č. 5, str. 43–50, 2002.
  • Počet citácií       31
  • Boccuto, A. – Dimitriou, X.: Modes of Ideal Continuity of (l)-Group-Valued Measures. International Mathematical Forum, č. 17, zv. 8, str. 841 - 849, 2013.
  • Faisant, Alain – Grekos, Georges – Toma, Vladimír: On the statistical variation of sequences. Journal of mathematical analysis and applications, č. 2, zv. 306, str. 432–439, 2005.
  • Jamwal, Rohini – Jamwal, Renu – Jamwal, Dalip Singh: I-cluster points of filters. New Trends in Mathematical Sciences, č. 5, zv. 4, str. 195-202, 2017.
  • Amar Kumar Banerjee – Apurba Lahiri: A study on I-Cauchy sequences and I-divergence in S-metric spaces. Malaya Journal of Matematik, č. 2, zv. 6, str. 326-330, 2018.
  • Jamwal, Rohini – Jamwal, Renu – Jamwal, Dalip Singh: More on I-cluster points of filters. New Trends in Math. Sci., č. 4, zv. 5, str. 203-208, 2017.
  • Ki{\c{s}}i, {Ö}mer – D{ü}ndar, Erdin{\c{c}}: I2-Uniformly convergence of double sequences of fuzzy valued functions. Acta Mathematica Universitatis Comenianae, č. 4, zv. 91, str. 281–300, 2022.
  • Yeg{ü}l, Sevim – D{ü}ndar, Erdin{\c{c}}: Statistical convergence of double sequences of functions and some properties in 2-normed spaces. Facta Universitatis, Series: Mathematics and Informatics, str. 705–719, 2019.
  • Yeg{ü}l, Sevim – D{ü}ndar, Erdin{\c{c}}: Statistical convergence of double sequences of functions and some properties in 2-Normed spaces. 2018.
  • Powar, PL – Dubey, Pratibha: I-Continuity in Topological Spaces due to Martin: A Counter-example. International Journal of Computer Applications, č. 6, zv. 66, 2013.
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  • Boccuto, Antonio – Dimitriou, Xenofon: Convergence theorems for lattice group-valued measures, 2015.
  • Boccuto, Antonio – Dimitriou, Xenofon: On Filter ([alpha])-convergence and Exhaustiveness of Function Nets in Lattice Groups and Applications. Journal of Mathematics Research, č. 2, zv. 7, str. 56, 2015.
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V. Baláž – T. Šalát: Zeros of continuos functions and the structure of two function space. Mathematica Slovaca, č. 4, zv. 52, str. 397–408, 2002.
  • Počet citácií       2
  • Vadovič, Peter: Zeros of continuous functions and the compact-open topology. Mathematica Slovaca, č. 5, zv. 53, str. 515–523, 2003.
  • Hajja, Mowaffaq: The Integrating Factors of an Exact Differential Equation. Mathematics Magazine, č. 3, zv. 86, str. 220–226, 2013.
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  • Počet citácií       11
  • Salas, J – Torra, V: Approximating degree sequences with regular graphic sequences. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, zv. 46, str. 273–280, 2014.
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  • Salas, Julián – Torra, Vicen{\c{c}}: Graphic sequences, distances and k-degree anonymity. Discrete Applied Mathematics, zv. 188, str. 25–31, 2015.
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  • Marulanda Boh{ó}rquez, Jorge Alonso: La transformaci{ó}n de los modelos de la comunicaci{ó}n en el surgimiento de la sociedad de la informaci{ó}n: Del modelo de flujo unidireccional a la comunicaci{ó}n descentralizada, 2015.
  • Wang, Ruchuan – Li, Yunyao – Zheng, Hui – Zhang, Zhiwang – Guo, Mengjiao – Huang, Guangyan – Chen, Jinjun – He, Jing – others – Chi, Chi-Huang – Fan, Weibei: A fuzzy theory based topological distance measurement for undirected multigraphs. V 2020 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE), str. 1–10, 2020.
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  • Parisutham, Nirmala: How do centrality measures help to predict similarity patterns in molecular chemical structural graphs?. Artificial Intelligence Chemistry, č. 2, zv. 1, str. 100007, 2023.
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