- Číslo projektu:
- VEGA 1/3081/06
- Názov projektu:
- Optimalizácia a riadenie chemických a biochemických procesov
- Typ projektu:
- Výskumné projekty VEGA
- Začiatok projektu:
- 01.01.2006
- Koniec projektu:
- 31.12.2008
- Zodpovedný riešiteľ:
- Miroslav Fikar
- Riešitelia:
- Monika Bakošová, Lenka Blahová, Štefan Boor, Ľuboš Čirka, Michal Čižniar, Ján Dvoran, Martin Herceg, Tomáš Hirmajer, Milan Jasem, Mária Karšaiová, Michal Kvasnica, Katarína Matejičková, Alajos Mészáros, Ján Mikleš, Marián Podmajerský, Anna Vasičkaninová, Juraj Vöröš, Jana Závacká
Vedecký projekt sa zameriava na vývoj moderných metód riadenia a optimalizácie so zameraním sa na procesy typické v chemických a potravinárskych technológiách ako napríklad chemické reaktory, destilačné kolóny, čistiarne odpadových vôd a iné. Jadro projektu tvorí rozpracovanie metód dynamickej a globálnej optimalizácie, prediktívneho riadenia, ako aj návrh viacstupňového riadenia. Navrhnuté algoritmy riadenia, regulátory a riadiace štruktúry budú testované simulačne a v laboratórnych podmienkach.
Hlavné ciele projektu sú nasledovné:
na prvú etapu riešenia:
- Literárna rešerš v skúmanej oblasti
- Pripojenie reálnych laboratórnych procesov na systémy dSPACE a Siemens Simatic S7 300 za účelom aplikácie teoretických výsledkov.
- Rozpracovanie problematiky modelovania a simulácie hybridných (spojitých/diskrétnych) systémov.
- Návrh možností optimalizácie a riadenia hybridných systémov.
- Dynamická optimalizácia spojitých a hybridných procesov a systémov so špeciálnym zameraním na problematiku bioreaktorov a ČOV.
- Návrh softvérového balíka pre simulácie a dynamickú optimalizáciu hybridných systémov.
- Interface softvéru DYNO s balíkom MATLAB.
- Globálna dynamická optimalizácia – štúdium existujúcich prístupov.
- Návrh dozeracieho riadenia s priemyselnými riadiacimi systémami.
- Vývoj softvérového balíka pre multiparametrickú optimalizáciu a explicitné prediktívne riadenie
na druhú etapu riešenia:
- Návrh riadenia modelov ČOV s hybridnými vlastnosťami. Porovnanie a analýza získaných výsledkov, vyvodenie odporúčaní pre praktické nasadenie algoritmov riadenia ČOV.
- Implemenácia softvérového balíka pre simulácie a dynamickú optimalizáciu hybridných systémov.
- Intranetové pripojenie a diaľkové ovládanie procesov pomocou systémov dSPACE a Siemens Simatic S7.
- Overenie teoretických výsledkov na laboratórnych modeloch chemického reaktora, etážovej rektifikačnej rektifikačnej kolóny, náplňovej rektifikačnej rektifikačnej kolóny, výmenníka tepla a systému zásobníkov kvapaliny.
- Transformácia teoretických a experimentálnych výsledkov do priemyselných podmienok a demonštrácia výhod použitia moderných metód riadenia a optimalizácie procesov v chemickom a potravinárskom priemysle Slovenska.
- M. Herceg – J. Mikleš – M. Fikar – M. Kvasnica – Ľ. Čirka: Real-time 2DoF Control of a Quadruple Tank System with Integral Action, V Selected Topics in Modelling and Control, Editor(i): Mikleš, J., Veselý, V., Slovak University of Technology Press, zv. 6, str. 37–43, 2010.
- M. Podmajerský – M. Fikar: Measurement-based Run-to-run Optimisation of Hybrid Two-stage Reactor System, V Selected Topics in Modelling and Control, Editor(i): Mikleš, J., Veselý, V., Slovak University of Technology Press, zv. 6, str. 44–51, 2010.
- M. Čižniar – M. Podmajerský – T. Hirmajer – M. Fikar – M. A. Latifi: Global optimization for parameter estimation of differential-algebraic systems. Chemical Papers, č. 3, zv. 63, str. 274–283, 2009.
- M. Kvasnica – M. Herceg – Ľ. Čirka – M. Fikar: Time Optimal Control of Fuzzy Systems: a Parametric Programming Approach. V Proceedings of the 28th IASTED Conference on Modelling, Identification and Control, str. 640-805.pdf, 2009.
- A. Mészáros – Ľ. Čirka – Ľ. Šperka: Intelligent Control of a pH Process. Chemical Papers, č. 2, zv. 63, str. 180–187, 2009.
- M. Bakošová – M. Fikar: Riadenie procesov, Vydavateľstvo STU, Bratislava, 2008.
- M. Bakošová – D. Puna: Robust PI and PID control of a mixing device. Editor(i): Markoš, J., V Proceedings of the 35th International Conference of SSCHE, SSCHE, Bratislava, str. 056p.pdf, 2008.
- M. Bakošová – D. Puna – A. Vasičkaninová: Robust control of chemical reactors. Acta Chimica Slovaca, č. 1, zv. 1, str. 12–23, 2008.
- Ľ. Čirka – M. Fikar – M. Kvasnica – M. Herceg: Experimental Identification – an Interactive Online Course. V Proceedings of the 17th World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control, Seoul, South Korea, str. 9812–9816, 2008.
- Ľ. Čirka – M. Kvasnica – M. Fikar: WebLab Module for the Moodle Learning Management System. Editor(i): Huba, M., V Proceedings of 9th International Conference Virtual University 2008, E-academia Slovaca, Bratislava, str. fid000131.pdf, 2008.
- M. Čižniar – M. Fikar – M. Kvasnica – M. A. Latifi: Design of Globally Optimal Nonlinear Model Predictive Control. Editor(i): L. Magni, D. Raimondo, F. Allgoewer, V International Workshop on Assessment and Future Directions of Nonlinear Model Predictive Control, Pavia, Italy, str. PV3-1–PV3-8, 2008.
- M. Čižniar – T. Hirmajer – M. Podmajerský – M. Fikar – M. A. Latifi: NMPC based on global optimisation. V Proceedings of the 8th International Scientific - Technical Conference Process Control 2008, University of Pardubice, Kouty nad Desnou, Czech Republic, str. c025b-1–c025b-6, 2008.
- M. Fikar – Ľ. Čirka – M. Herceg – M. Podmajerský: E-learning in Course Operating Systems. Editor(i): Huba, M., V Proceedings of 9th International Conference Virtual University 2008, E-academia Slovaca, Bratislava, str. fid000091.pdf, 2008.
- M. Herceg – M. Kvasnica – M. Fikar: Stabilization of an Inverted Pendulum via Fuzzy Explicit Predictive Control. V Proceedings of the 8th International Scientific - Technical Conference Process Control 2008, University of Pardubice, Kouty nad Desnou, Czech Republic, str. C021_b-1–C021_b-5, 2008.
- M. Herceg – M. Kvasnica – M. Fikar: Parametric Approach to Nonlinear Model Predictive Control. Editor(i): L. Magni, D. Raimondo, F. Allgoewer, V International Workshop on Assessment and Future Directions of Nonlinear Model Predictive Control, Pavia, Italy, str. PI1-1–PI1-8, 2008.
- M. Herceg – J. Mikleš – M. Fikar – M. Kvasnica – Ľ. Čirka: Real-time 2DoF Control of a Quadruple Tank System with Integral Action. V Proceedings of the 17th World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control, Seoul, South Korea, str. 8666–8671, 2008.
- T. Hirmajer – M. Čižniar – M. Fikar – E. Balsa-Canto – J. R. Banga: Brief Introduction To DOTcvp - Dynamic Optimization Toolbox. V Proceedings of the 8th International Scientific - Technical Conference Process Control 2008, University of Pardubice, Kouty nad Desnou, Czech Republic, str. C011a, 2008.
- T. Hirmajer – M. Fikar – E. Balsa-Canto – J. R. Banga: Application of a control vector parameterization method using an interior point algorithm. Editor(i): Bruzzone L., V Proceedings of the Fifth IASTED International Conference Signal Processing, Pattern Recognition, and Applications, ACTA Press, Innsbruck, str. 122–127, 2008.
- M. Kvasnica – F. J. Christophersen – M. Herceg – M. Fikar: Polynomial Approximation of Closed-form MPC for Piecewise Affine Systems. V Proceedings of the 17th World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control, Seoul, South Korea, str. 3877–3882, 2008.
- M. Kvasnica – M. Herceg – Ľ. Čirka – M. Fikar: Adaptive Model Predictive Control of Piecewise Affine Systems. Editor(i): L. Magni, D. Raimondo, F. Allgoewer, V International Workshop on Assessment and Future Directions of Nonlinear Model Predictive Control, Pavia, Italy, str. PIV3-1–PIV3-8, 2008.
- A. Mészáros – M. Bakošová – Ľ. Šperka: Simple PI-like inverse neural controllers. V Proceedings of the 8th International Scientific - Technical Conference Process Control 2008, University of Pardubice, Kouty nad Desnou, Czech Republic, str. C049a-1–C049a-9, 2008.
- A. Mészáros – M. Bakošová – Ľ. Šperka: Inverse Model Based Neural Controllers with Adaptive Integral Part. V Proceedings of the 16th IEEE Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, Congress Centre, Ajaccio, France, str. 303–308, 2008.
- A. Mészáros – J. Vöröš: Design of Intelligent Controllers for Biotechnological Process. Acta Chimica Slovaca, č. 1, zv. 1, str. 208–220, 2008.
- M. Podmajerský – M. Fikar: Measurement-based Run-to-run Optimisation of Hybrid Two-stage Reactor System. V Proceedings of the 8th International Scientific - Technical Conference Process Control 2008, University of Pardubice, Kouty nad Desnou, Czech Republic, str. C025a – 1–C025a – 11, 2008.
- D. Puna – M. Bakošová: Robust control of a mixing unit. V Proceedings of the 8th International Scientific - Technical Conference Process Control 2008, University of Pardubice, Kouty nad Desnou, Czech Republic, str. C008a – 1–C008a – 9, 2008.
- I. Rauová – M. Kvasnica – Ľ. Čirka – M. Fikar: Real-Time Model Predictive Control of a Laboratory Liquid Tanks System. V Proceedings of the 16th Annual Conference Technical Computing Prague 2008, Kongresové centrum ČVUT Praha, str. 89–95, 2008.
- K. Vaneková – M. Bakošová – J. Závacká – K. Jančová: Robust Control of a Laboratory Time-Delay Process. Editor(i): Kozák, Š., Kozáková, A., Rosinová D., V Zborník abstraktov Medzinárodnej konferecie SSKI Kybernetika a informatika, SSKI Bratislava, ŽDIAR, Slovak Republic, 2008.
- K. Vaneková – M. Bakošová – J. Závacká – K. Jančová: Robust PI Control of a Time-delay Process Using Industrial System SIMATIC. V Proceedings of the 8th International Scientific - Technical Conference Process Control 2008, University of Pardubice, Kouty nad Desnou, Czech Republic, str. C078_a - 1–C078_a - 11, 2008.
- K. Vaneková – M. Bakošová – J. Závacká – K. Jančová: Robust control of a laboratory time-delay process using an industrial control system. V 18th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering, Orgit s.r.o., Praha, Czech Republic, str. 0524-1–0524-11, 2008.
- A. Vasičkaninová – M. Bakošová: Fuzzy model based predictive control. Editor(i): Markoš, J., V Proceedings of the 35th International Conference of SSCHE, SSCHE, Bratislava, str. 016p.pdf, 2008.
- A. Vasičkaninová – M. Bakošová: Control of a chemical reactor with disturbances. V Proceedings of the 8th International Scientific - Technical Conference Process Control 2008, University of Pardubice, Kouty nad Desnou, Czech Republic, str. C031a 1–C031a 6, 2008.
- A. Vasičkaninová – M. Bakošová – A. Mészáros – J. Závacká: Model-based predictive control of a chemical reactor. V 18th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering, Orgit s.r.o., Praha, Czech Republic, str. 0623-1–0623-6, 2008.
- J. Vöröš – J. Mikleš – Ľ. Čirka: Nonlinear System Parameters Estimation. Editor(i): Kozák, Š., Kozáková, A., Rosinová D., V Zborník abstraktov Medzinárodnej konferecie SSKI Kybernetika a informatika, SSKI Bratislava, ŽDIAR, Slovak Republic, 2008.
- J. Vöröš – J. Mikleš – Ľ. Čirka: Parameter Estimation of Nonlinear Systems. Acta Chimica Slovaca, č. 1, zv. 1, str. 309–320, 2008.
- J. Závacká – M. Bakošová – K. Vaneková: Design of PI, PID controllers for control of systems with parametric uncertainties. Editor(i): Markoš, J., V Proceedings of the 35th International Conference of SSCHE, SSCHE, Bratislava, str. 050p.pdf, 2008.
- J. Závacká – M. Bakošová – K. Vaneková: Design of Robust PI, PID Controllers for Control of Systems with Parametric Uncertainty. V 18th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering, Orgit s.r.o., Praha, Czech Republic, str. 0457-1–0457-10, 2008.
- J. Závacká – K. Vaneková – M. Bakošová: Robust PI, PID controllers for control of systems with parametric uncertainty. V Proceedings of the 8th International Scientific - Technical Conference Process Control 2008, University of Pardubice, Kouty nad Desnou, Czech Republic, str. C033a - 4–C033a - 10, 2008.
- M. Bakošová – M. Fikar – Ľ. Čirka: E-learning in Process Control Education. V Proceedings of European Congress of Chemical Engineering (ECCE-6), Copenhagen, str. CD ROM 1015.pdf, 2007.
- M. Bakošová – M. Fikar – Ľ. Čirka: E-learning in Course on Process Control. Editor(i): Sedláček, J., V Sborník příspěvku konference a souteže eLearning 2007, Gaudeamus, str. 191–197, 2007.
- M. Bakošová – D. Puna: Algorithms for Robust Controller Design: Application to CSTR. Editor(i): J. Mikleš, M. Fikar, M. Kvasnica, V Proceedings of the 16th International Conference Process Control '07, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, str. 026f.pdf, 2007.
- M. Bakošová – D. Puna: Control of a Continuous-Time Stirred Tank Reactor via Robust Static Output Feedback, V Selected Topics in Modelling and Control, Editor(i): Mikleš, J., Veselý, V., Slovak University of Technology Press, zv. 5, str. 38–44, 2007.
- M. Bakošová – D. Puna – J. Závacká: Robust stabilization of an exothermic CSTR. V Proceedings of European Congress of Chemical Engineering (ECCE-6), Copenhagen, str. CD ROM 990.pdf, 2007.
- Ľ. Čirka – M. Bakošová – M. Fikar – M. Herceg: Dynamic Simulations of Chemical Processes via the MATLAB Web Server. V Proceedings of the 15th Annual Conference Technical Computing Prague 2007, Kongresové centrum ČVUT Praha, str. 34–34, 2007.
- Ľ. Čirka – M. Fikar: A Dynamical System Identification Toolbox, V Selected Topics in Modelling and Control, Editor(i): Mikleš, J., Veselý, V., Slovak University of Technology Press, zv. 5, str. 58–62, 2007.
- Ľ. Čirka – M. Fikar: A Toolbox for Recursive Identification of Dynamical Systems. AT&P Journal Plus, č. 2, str. 44–47, 2007.
- Ľ. Čirka – M. Fikar – M. Kvasnica: Real-Time Adaptive Control of a Laboratory Fan Heater Using the Youla–Kučera Parameterisation. V Proceedings IAM 2007 - Workshop on Informatics, Automation and Mathematics, Editor(i): Fikar, M., Kolesárová, A., Bakošová, M., STU Press, str. 99–110, 2007.
- M. Čižniar – M. Fikar – M. A. Latifi: A Matlab Package for Dynamic Optimisation of Processes, V Selected Topics in Modelling and Control, Editor(i): Mikleš, J., Veselý, V., Slovak University of Technology Press, zv. 5, str. 52–57, 2007.
- P. Dovaľ – Ľ. Čirka – M. Fikar: EXPID - Experimental Identification Toolbox. V Proceedings of the 15th Annual Conference Technical Computing Prague 2007, Kongresové centrum ČVUT Praha, str. 38–38, 2007.
- M. Fikar: On Automatic Generation of Quizzes using MATLAB and XML in Control Engineering Education. Radlinského 9, 2007.
- M. Fikar – Ľ. Čirka – M. Bakošová – T. Hirmajer: Automatic Generation of Quizzes in MATLAB. Editor(i): J. Mikleš, M. Fikar, M. Kvasnica, V Proceedings of the 16th International Conference Process Control '07, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, str. 184f.pdf, 2007.
- M. Fikar – Ľ. Čirka – M. Bakošová – T. Hirmajer: Automatic Generation of Assignments and Quizzes in Control Engineering Education. Editor(i): S. G. Tzafestas, P. J. Antsaklis, V Proceedings of the European Control Conference ECC '07, str. 2714–2720, 2007.
- M. Herceg – M. Kvasnica – Ľ. Čirka – M. Fikar: Real-time Predictive Control of a Servo Engine. Editor(i): J. Mikleš, M. Fikar, M. Kvasnica, V Proceedings of the 16th International Conference Process Control '07, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, str. 222f.pdf, 2007.
- M. Herceg – M. Kvasnica – Ľ. Čirka – M. Fikar: Real-Time Predictive Control of a Servo Engine. AT&P Journal Plus, č. 2, str. 124–130, 2007.
- M. Herceg – M. Kvasnica – M. Fikar: Stabilizing Predictive Control of Fuzzy Systems Described by Takagi-Sugeno Models. Editor(i): J. Mikleš, M. Fikar, M. Kvasnica, V Proceedings of the 16th International Conference Process Control '07, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, str. 223f.pdf, 2007.
- M. Herceg – M. Kvasnica – M. Fikar: Transformation of Fuzzy Takagi-Sugeno Models into Piecewise Affine Models. Editor(i): M. Kryszkiewicz, J. F. Peters, H. Rybinski, A. Skowron, V Proceedings of the International Conference on Rough Sets and Intelligent Systems Paradigms, Springer, Warsaw, Poland, zv. LNAI 4585, str. 211–220, 2007.
- M. Herceg – M. Kvasnica – M. Fikar: Stabilizing Predictive Control of Fuzzy Systems Described by Takagi-Sugeno Models. AT&P Journal Plus, č. 2, str. 105–111, 2007.
- T. Hirmajer – M. Čižniar – M. Fikar: Application of a Gradient Method to Dynamic Optimization Problems. Editor(i): J. Mikleš, M. Fikar, M. Kvasnica, V Proceedings of the 16th International Conference Process Control '07, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, str. 023f.pdf, 2007.
- T. Hirmajer – M. Čižniar – M. Fikar: Application of a dynamic optimization method to solve optimal control problems. AT&P Journal Plus, č. 2, str. 57–62, 2007.
- T. Hirmajer – M. Fikar: Solution of Dynamic Optimization Problems with Sensitivity Equations Approach. FCFT STU, Radlinského 9, 812 37 Bratislava, Slovakia, 2007.
- T. Hirmajer – M. Fikar: Open-Loop Optimal Control of a Hybrid Coupled Tanks System. V Proceedings IAM 2007 - Workshop on Informatics, Automation and Mathematics, Editor(i): Fikar, M., Kolesárová, A., Bakošová, M., STU Press, str. 64–70, 2007.
- M. Jasem: A review of non-commutative mv-algebras. Editor(i): Fikar, M., Kolesárová, A., Bakošová, M., V Proceedings IAM 2007 - Workshop on Informatics, Automation and Mathematics, STU Press, str. 53–57, 2007.
- M. Jasem: On Elements of Lattice Ordered Monoids. V Cotributions to General Algebra, Verlag Johannes Heyn, Klagenfurt, zv. 18, str. 87–95, 2007.
- M. Kvasnica – Ľ. Čirka: MATLAB Unit Testing Framework. Editor(i): J. Mikleš, M. Fikar, M. Kvasnica, V Proceedings of the 16th International Conference Process Control '07, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, str. 004f.pdf, 2007.
- M. Kvasnica – Ľ. Čirka: Unit Testing Framework for MATLAB. V Proceedings of the 15th Annual Conference Technical Computing Prague 2007, Kongresové centrum ČVUT Praha, str. 85–85, 2007.
- M. Kvasnica – P. Grieder – M. Baotic – M. Morari: Multi-Parametric Toolbox 2.6.2. V Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Hybrid Systems: Computation and control, Pisa, Italy, 2007.
- M. Kvasnica – M. Herceg – M. Fikar: Polynomial Approximation of Polytopic Regions. V Proceedings IAM 2007 - Workshop on Informatics, Automation and Mathematics, Editor(i): Fikar, M., Kolesárová, A., Bakošová, M., STU Press, str. 59–63, 2007.
- J. Mikleš: Process Dynamics and Optimal Control. V Proceedings of 8th International Carpathian Control Conference, 2007.
- M. Podmajerský – M. Čižniar – T. Hirmajer – M. Fikar – M. A. Latifi: Recent Developments in Dynopt Package. Editor(i): J. Mikleš, M. Fikar, M. Kvasnica, V Proceedings of the 16th International Conference Process Control '07, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, str. 032f.pdf, 2007.
- D. Puna – M. Bakošová: Robust PI Controller Design for a CSTR with Uncertainties. Editor(i): J. Markoš, V. Šefuca, V Proceedings of the 34th International Conference of SSCHE, SSCHE Bratislava, Tatranské Matliare, Slovakia, str. CD ROM 043p, 2007.
- K. Vaneková – M. Bakošová – J. Závacká: Robust Control of a Laboratory Process Using Control System SIMATIC. Editor(i): J. Markoš, V. Šefuca, V Proceedings of the 34th International Conference of SSCHE, SSCHE Bratislava, Tatranské Matliare, Slovakia, str. 061p.pdf, 2007.
- K. Vaneková – M. Bakošová – J. Závacká: Robust Control of a Laboratory Process Using Control System SIMATIC. Editor(i): J. Markoš, V. Šefuca, V Proceedings of the 34th International Conference of SSCHE, SSCHE Bratislava, Tatranské Matliare, Slovakia, str. 90, 2007.
- A. Vasičkaninová: Fuzzy Modelling and Identification of a Chemical Reactor. V Proceedings IAM 2007 - Workshop on Informatics, Automation and Mathematics, Editor(i): Fikar, M., Kolesárová, A., Bakošová, M., STU Press, str. 71–75, 2007.
- A. Vasičkaninová – M. Bakošová: Fuzzy Logic Control of a Chemical Reactor With Disturbances, V Selected Topics in Modelling and Control, Editor(i): Mikleš, J., Veselý, V., Slovak University of Technology Press, zv. 5, str. 121–126, 2007.
- A. Vasičkaninová – M. Bakošová: Fuzzy model-based predictive control of a chemical reactor. V Proceedings of European Congress of Chemical Engineering (ECCE-6), Copenhagen, str. CD ROM 1407.pdf, 2007.
- A. Vasičkaninová – M. Bakošová – J. Dvoran: Prediktívne riadenie chemického reaktora. AT&P Journal 11/2007, č. 11, zv. XIV, str. 69–71, 2007.
- A. Vasičkaninová – M. Bakošová – M. Karšaiová: Cascade Fuzzy Logic Control of a Distillation Column. Editor(i): J. Mikleš, M. Fikar, M. Kvasnica, V Proceedings of the 16th International Conference Process Control '07, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, str. 093f.pdf, 2007.
- A. Vasičkaninová – M. Bakošová – D. Puna: Neurofuzzy Modelling and Identification of the Distillation Column. Editor(i): J. Markoš, V. Šefuca, V Proceedings of the 34th International Conference of SSCHE, SSCHE Bratislava, Tatranské Matliare, Slovakia, str. CD ROM 178p, 2007.
- J. Závacká – M. Bakošová – K. Vaneková: Robust PI Controller Design for Control of Systems with Parametric Uncertainties. Editor(i): J. Markoš, V. Šefuca, V Proceedings of the 34th International Conference of SSCHE, SSCHE Bratislava, Tatranské Matliare, Slovakia, str. 038p.pdf, 2007.
- J. Závacká – M. Bakošová – K. Vaneková: Control of systems with parametric uncertainties using a robust PI controller. AT&P Journal Plus, č. 2, str. 84–87, 2007.
- J. Závacká – M. Bakošová – K. Vaneková: Control of Systems with Parametric Uncertainties Using a Robust PI Controller. V Proceedings IAM 2007 - Workshop on Informatics, Automation and Mathematics, Editor(i): Fikar, M., Kolesárová, A., Bakošová, M., STU Press, str. 84–91, 2007.