Course unit code:
Course unit title:
Fundamentals of Mercantile and Financial Law
Mode of completion and Number of ECTS credits:
Exm (2 credits)
Course contents:
Subject of the mercantile and financial law.
Commercial and financial organizations and institutions in relation to the international, public, private and mercantile law.
Concept of the business activity within the mercantile law. Natural persons and legal entities. State and municipal enterprises.
The position of entrepreneurial subjects according to the provision of the Commercial and civil code. The legal regulation of their origin, action and extinction.
Economic competition and its protection. The unfair competition.
Ownership relations and the forms of ownership in accordance with the Constitution of the Slovak Republic. The ways of gaining the ownership.
Mercantile and financial commitment relationships, the conclusion of mercantile contracts.
Modes of ensuring commitments, the modes, place and time of fulfilingcommitments.
Breach of contract obligations and its consequences. The compensation of a damage.
Limitation - its subject, effects, suspend and limitation.
Budgetary system, state budget and state final account.
Legal questions of the stock exchange and valuables.
World and European foreign-exchange and credit institutions and organizations, their structure and system of functioning.
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