- Course unit code:
- N418L10_4B
- Course unit title:
- Laboratory of Instrumental Methods in Analysis
- Mode of delivery, planned learning activities and teaching methods:
- laboratory practice – 3 hours weekly (on-site method)
- Credits allocated:
- 3
- Recommended semester:
- Biotechnológia – bachelor (full-time, attendance method), 5. semester
Chemical Engineering – bachelor (full-time, attendance method), 5. semester
Potraviny, výživa, kozmetika – bachelor (full-time, attendance method), 5. semester
Automation, Information Engineering and Management in Chemistry and Food Industry – bachelor (full-time, attendance method), 5. semester
Process Control – bachelor (full-time, attendance method), 5. semester
Process Control (remedial) – bachelor (full-time, attendance method), 7. semester
- Level of study:
- 1.
- Prerequisites for registration:
- none
- Assesment methods:
- Practical execution of all laboratory exercises and test.
- Learning outcomes of the course unit:
- Provide advanced work using laboratory analytical techniques, basics of proper implementation of the analytical operations, good laboratory practice. Know the principles of creation of analytic signal measuring instruments and principles of optimization of various modes of measurement. Control instrumental analytical procedures for obtaining information and procedures evaluation of measurement results.
- Course contents:
- 1.Basic principles work in the analytical laboratory . Working with measures of weight and
volume. Preparation of solutions.
2.Optical methods -
● Molecular absorption spectral analysis in visible and ultraviolet radiation
- spectrophotometric determination of salicylic acid in Acylpyrine
- spectrophotometric determination of iron in mineral water.
- spectrophotometric determination of nitrates in the UV spectrum
- spectrophotometric determination of copper
● Atomic emission spectral analysis
- determination of sodium in water by flame photometry
● Nephelometry
- nefelometric determination of chlorides
3.Electroanalytical methods -
● Voltammetric titration with polarized electrodes
- iodometry with instrumental indication during titration
● Potentiometric titration
- determination of kys. Phosphate titration with sodium hydroxide to II. titration degree.
● Quantitative polarographic analysis
- determination of Zn by the calibration curve method
4.Chromatography techniques -
● Capillary gas chromatography
- identification of substances in an unknown sample using the Kovets index method a practice
work with internal standard
● Reverse phase high performance liquid chromatography
- determination of phenolic compounds in water samples after pre-separation by solid phase
- determination of caffeine in food samples
● Electrophoresis, Thin Film Chromatography
- optimization of separation conditions and identification of synthetic dyestuffs in food
- Recommended or required reading:
- PURDEŠOVÁ, A. – TARAPČÍK, P. – SÁDECKÁ, J. – HROBOŇOVÁ, K. – ŠPÁNIK, I. – RIEVAJ, M. – ŠVORC, Ľ. – MANOVÁ, A. – ČACHO, F. Praktikum z analytickej chémie. Bratislava : Nakladateľstvo STU, 2011. 242 s. ISBN 978-80-227-3555-1.
- BUSTIN, D. – HLADKY, Z. – GARAJ, J. Analytická chémia. Alfa, Bratislava: SNTL, Praha, 1987. 744 s.
- Language of instruction:
- Slovak, English
- Assessed students in total:
A 31 %
B 34.9 %
C 27 %
D 6.6 %
E 0.5 %
FX 0 %
- Course supervisor:
- doc. Ing. Katarína Hroboňová, PhD.
- Last modification:
- 19. 9. 2019
Department of Analytical Chemistry
AIS: 2024/2025