Automation and Information Engineering in Chemistry and Food Industry – master (full-time, attendance method), 2. semester
Level of study:
Prerequisites for registration:
Assesment methods:
Learning outcomes of the course unit:
By completing the course, students have gained the knowledge about industrial information and control systems. Students know components of these systems and how to work with them. Students master the common industrial information interchange standards: flowcharts for description of processes and algorithms; process diagrams (PFD, P&ID, LD, SAMA) for description of components and instruments of industrial plants. Students have a basic knowledge of distributed control systems, SCADA systems, and advanced skills in programming of Siemens SIMATIC logic controllers, design and implementation of control algorithms for industrial applications, as well as the design of operator screens (both, for panels and Web-based). Students master the standards and rules for high-performance HMI design and safety.
Course contents:
Recommended or required reading:
HOLLIFIELD, B. – HABIBI, E – OLIVER, D. – NIMMO, I. The High Performance HMI Handbook; Plant Automation Services, Inc., 2013, ISBN 9780977896950
KUPHALDT, T.R.; Lessons In Industrial Instrumentation, 2019, (publikované ako voľne dostupný text pod Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License), dostuné online (