Course unit code:
Course unit title:
Physics II
Mode of completion and Number of ECTS credits:
Exm (4 credits)
Course supervisor:
prof. Ing. Vladimír Lukeš, DrSc.
Learning outcomes of the course unit:
The student will acquire basic knowledge of electricity and magnetism, mechanical and electromagnetic waves, quantum physics and nuclear physics.
Prerequisites for registration:
Course contents:
1. Electrostatic field. (allowance 7/12)
a. Electric charge, its properties, electric charge density. Coulomb's law.
b. Electric field. Representation of the electric field. Superposition principle, electric field of a system of charges.
c. Flux of the electric field. Gauss' law. Electrostatic field due to an infinite line of charge, charged spherical shell, homogeneously charged sphere, infinite sheet of charge.
d. Work of the force of the electrostatic field, conservativeness of the electrostatic field. Potential energy of a point charge and the electric potential. Integral and differential relation between the electric field and the electric potential. Voltage.
e. Conductor in an electrostatic field. Electric field in the conductor and in a cavity in the conductor. Coulomb's theorem.
f. Electric dipole. Electrostatic field due to a dipole. Electric dipole in a homogeneous electrostatic field - torque on the dipole and the potential energy of the dipole.
g. Capacitance of a system of conductors and of an isolated conductor. Parallel-plate, spherical and cylindrical capacitors. Combination of capacitors.
h. Polarization of a dielectric in the electrostatic field. Polarization vector and electric field in a parallel-plate capacitor. Electric displacement vector. Gauss' law in a dielectric.
i. Potential energy of a system of electrical charges. Energy of the electrostatic field of a charged capacitor. Electric field energy density.

2. Direct electric current. (allowance 2/2)
a. Electric current density. Ohm's law for a segment of a wire and in the elementary form. Resistivity, conductivity and their temperature dependence. Classification of the materials from the point of view of the resistivity.
b. Electromotive force. Internal resistance of a seat of electromotive force. Kirchhoff's laws. Analysis of simple electric circuits. Combination of resistors.
c. Work and power of the electric current. Source-load matching. Source efficiency.

3. Magnetic field. (allowance 3/4)
a. Magnetic field in vacuum. Experimental manifestations, history. Magnetic induction vector. Biot-Savart law. Magnetic field vector. Ampère's law. Magnetic field in the centre of a circular current loop. Magnetic filed due to an infinitely long straight wire. Magnetic field in a toroid and in an infinitely long solenoid.
b. Magnetic moment of a current loop. Current loop in a homogeneous magnetic field - torque on the loop and the potential energy of the loop.
c. Magnetic field in materials. Magnetization vector. Diamagnetic, paramagnetic and ferromagnetic materials. Hysteresis in ferromagnetic materials.
d. Magnetic flux. Gauss' law for magnetism.

4. Electromagnetic induction. (allowance 1/1)
a. Faraday's law of induction. Lenz' law. Self-inductance and mutual inductance. Self-inductance of an infinitely long solenoid.
b. Energy of the magnetic filed of a coil. Magnetic field energy density.

5. Alternating electric currents. (allowance 2/1)
a. Generator of alternating electric current. Effective value of the current and voltage.
b. Phasor representation of the alternating currents and voltages in simple electric circuits. Impedance. Series RLC circuit. Resonance.
c. Power of an alternating current.

6. Maxwell's equations. (allowance 1/0)
a. Displacement current.
b. Set of the Maxwell's equations.

7. Mechanical waves. (allowance 4/2)
a. Types of waves. Wave function and wave equation of a traveling harmonic wave. Wavefront. Huyghens principle. Reflection and refraction of waves.
b. Interference effects. Superposition of waves traveling in the same direction. Superposition of waves traveling in opposite directions -- standing waves. Waves in limited space, oscillations of a string.
c. Wave energy and intensity.

8. Electromagnetic waves. (allowance 2/2)
a. Electromagnetic waves. Basic properties of the electromagnetic waves. Energy transported by an electromagnetic wave.
b. Wave properties of light. Polarization of light. Diffraction of light at a slit and at a diffraction grating.

9. Introduction to quantum physics. (allowance 2/2)
a. Failure of the classical physics. Black-body radiation. Wien displacement law. Stefan-Boltzmann law.
b. Planck's radiation law, quantization of energy. Photoelectric effect. Photon.
c. Wave-particle duality. Particle properties of the electromagnetic waves, wave properties of particles, de Broglie waves.
d. Uncertainty relationships.

10. Atomic nucleus. (allowance 2/2)
a. Binding energy and stability of a nucleus. Nuclear decay -- basic quantities. Nuclear decay law. Types of nuclear decay.
b. Nuclear reactions. Chain reaction. Nuclear reactor.

Recommended or required reading:
  • LAURINC, V. – HOLÁ, O. – LUKEŠ, V. – HALUSKOVÁ, S. Fyzika II. Bratislava : STU v Bratislave, 2006. 214 s. ISBN 80-227-2496-3.
  • LAURINC, V. – VALACH, F. Fyzika I. Bratislava: STU, 1995. 195 s. ISBN 80-227-0734-1.
  • HOLÁ, O. Fyzika II, Zbierka príkladov a úloh. Bratislava: STU, 2002. 179 s. ISBN 80-227-1746-0.
  • LAURINC, V. – FEDORKO, P. – BUŠOVSKÝ, L. – HOLÁ, O. – LUKÁČ, P. – SKÁKALOVÁ, V. Fyzika I. Zbierka príkladov a úloh. Bratislava: STU, 2000. 156 s. ISBN 80-227-1376-7.
  • ILKOVIČ, D. Fyzika 2: Pre študujúcich na vysokých školách technických: Elektrodynamika, optika, atomistika, základy fyziky tuhých látok. Bratislava : Alfa, 1973. 434 s.
  • ILKOVIČ, D. Fyzika 1: Pre študujúcich na vysokých školách technických: Mechanika, akustika, termika. Bratislava : Alfa, 1972. 493 s.
  • KREMPASKÝ, J. Fyzika. Bratislava: Alfa, 1992. 751 s.
  • HALLIDAY, D. – RESNICK, R. – WALKER, J. Fyzika: Část 2: Mechanika - Termodynamika: Vysokoškolská učebnice obecné fyziky. Brno : VUTIUM, 2000. 246 s. ISBN 80-214-1868-0.
  • HALLIDAY, D. – RESNICK, R. – WALKER, J. Fyzika. Část 3. Elektřina a magnetismus: Vysokoškolská učebnice obecné fyziky. Brno : VUTIUM, 2000. ISBN 80-214-1868-0.
  • HALLIDAY, D. – RESNICK, R. – WALKER, J. Fyzika. Část 4. Elektromagnetické vlny. Optika. Relativita: Vysokoškolská učebnice obecné fyziky. Brno : VUTIUM, 2000. ISBN 80-214-1868-0.
  • WALKER, J. – HALLIDAY, D. – RESNICK, R. Fundamentals of physics. New York : John Wiley & Sons, 2008. 1248 s. ISBN 978-0-471-75801-3.
  • e-fyzika. Základný bakalársky kurz pre technické univerzity. Multimediálna učebnica fyziky, STU, text prístupný na www stránkach STU.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods:
The subject consists of lectures and seminars. The lectures are oriented at explaining the theoretical bases and the seminars at solving problems.
Assesment methods and criteria:
The student must pass two mid-term written examinations (2 x 10% of points) and a final written examination (80 % of points).
Language of instruction:
Slovak, English
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