1. |
Kinematics of a point mass. (allowance 2/2) |
a. |
Subject of physics, role of physics in the study of chemistry, relations to other subjects. Physical quantities, dimensions and units. International System of Units SI. Scalar and vector quantities. |
b. |
Kinematics of a point mass in scalar terms. Classification of motions from the point of view of the trajectory. Linear motion: position, velocity and acceleration. |
c. |
Clasifcation of motions from the point of view of the acceleration. Time dependence of the velocity and position for various types of the linear motion, initial conditions. |
2. |
Kinematics of a point mass (continued). (allowance 2/2) |
a. |
Kinematics of a point mass in vector terms. Vector function of a scalar variable. Derivative of a vector function. General description of the position, position vector. Average and instantaneous velocity, average and instantaneous acceleration. |
b. |
Curved motion, decomposition of the acceleration to the tangential and normal component. |
c. |
Circular motion. Scalar and vector description of the circular motion, accelerations at the circular motion. |
3. |
Dynamics of a point mass. (allowance 2/2) |
a. |
Newton's laws of motion, impulse. |
b. |
Equation of motion, methods of solving it. Examples - horizontal and skew throw. |
c. |
Limitations of the validity of the Newton's laws. |
4. |
Dynamics of a point mass (continued). (allowance 2/2) |
a. |
Inertial forces in noninertial reference frames (frame in linear motion, rotating frame, centrifugal inertial force, Coriolis force. |
b. |
Work, power, efficiency. |
c. |
Conservative and nonconservative forces. Kinetic and potential energy and their relation to work. |
5. |
Dynamics of a point mass (continued). (allowance 2/2) |
a. |
Potential energy for gravity and deformation forces. |
b. |
Law of conservation of mechanical energy of a point mass in a field of conservative forces. |
6. |
Dynamics of a mass point system. (allowance 2/2) |
a. |
Degrees of freedom, center of mass, linear momentum theorem. |
b. |
Newton's second law for the motion of the center of mass. |
c. |
Angular momentum, angular momentum theorem. |
7. |
Dynamics of a mass point system (continued). (allowance 2/2) |
a. |
Laws of conservation of the linear momentum, angular momentum, mechanical energy for a mass point system. |
b. |
First law of thermodynamics. |
c. |
Elastic and inelastic collisions of objects. |
8. |
Dynamics of a rigid body. (allowance 2/2) |
a. |
Rigid body definition. Types of motion of a rigid body. |
b. |
Kinetic energy for rotational and combined motion of a rigid body. |
c. |
Rotational inertia about a rotational axis, parallel axis theorem (Steiner rule). |
9. |
Dynamics of a rigid body (continued). (allowance 2/2) |
a. |
Work and power for rotational motion of a rigid body. |
b. |
Relation between the angular velocity and angular momentum. |
c. |
Equation of motion of a rigid body with a fixed axis, as example equation of motion of a physical pendulum. |
10. |
Oscillations. (allowance 2/2) |
a. |
Harmonic oscillations, mechanical linear harmonic oscillator, energy of a mechanical linear harmonic oscillator. Solving of the equation of motion of a simple and physical pendulum. |
b. |
Oscillations of a diatomic molecule, reduced mass. Damped harmonic motion. |
c. |
Forced oscillations, resonance, resonance frequency and amplitude. |
11. |
Oscillations (continued). (allowance 2/2) |
a. |
Composition of two parallel oscillations of the same and different frequencies. |
b. |
Composition of vertical oscillations. |
12. |
Fluid mechanics. (allowance 2/2) |
a. |
Ideal fluid. |
b. |
Fluid dynamics. Description of fluid flow. Definition of a streamline, elementary volume flux and elementarry mass flux. Equation of continuity. Arial and volume forces. |
c. |
Mechanical energy of a flowing liquid and the work of the pressure forces - Bernoulli's equation. |
d. |
Examples of applications of the Bernoulli's equation - Torricelli's law, measurement of flux. |
e. |
Real liquids, definition of the viscosity. Laminar and turbulent flow. |
13. |
Fluid mechanics (continued). (allowance 2/2) |
a. |
Fluid statics. Fundamental equation of fluid statics in a weight field. Hydrostatic pressure. |
b. |
Pascal's principle and Archimedes' principle. |