Course unit code:
Course unit title:
Seminar in Physics
Mode of delivery, planned learning activities and teaching methods:
seminar – 2 hours weekly (on-site method)
Credits allocated:
Recommended semester:
Biotechnológia – bachelor (full-time, attendance method), 2. semester
Chemical Engineering – bachelor (full-time, attendance method), 2. semester
Chemistry, Medical Chemistry and Chemical Materials – bachelor (full-time, attendance method), 2. semester
Potraviny, výživa, kozmetika – bachelor (full-time, attendance method), 2. semester
Automation, Information Engineering and Management in Chemistry and Food Industry – bachelor (full-time, attendance method), 2. semester
Process Control – bachelor (full-time, attendance method), 2. semester
Process Control (remedial) – bachelor (full-time, attendance method), 4. semester
Level of study:
Prerequisites for registration:
Assesment methods:
A prerequisite to the examination is active presence at the all seminars. The student must pass all tests in the form of e-learning. The notation is defined by the currently valid study regulations at the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava.
Learning outcomes of the course unit:
Student will acquire knowledge of vector algebra used in physics. Broaden their knowledge of physical quantities and physical unit transformations. She/he is learned to analyze and apply the fundamental laws of physics to solve elementary problems of mechanics, dynamics and electrostatics.
Course contents:
1. Physical quantities and physical units. (allowance 0/2)
a. Physical quantities, dimensions and units. The International System of Units SI.
b. Units conversion. Dimensional analysis.
c. Greek alphabet. Algebraic equations. Function of the line and the parabola. Volumes and surfaces of selected objects.
d. Planar angles and their units in degrees and radians. Trigonometric functions. Sums and differences of trigonometric functions.

2. Measurement and presentation of physical quantities. (allowance 0/2)
a. Principles and methods of measurement of physical quantities.
b. Confidence interval and the maximum absolute error of measurement. Standard uncertainty. Law of propagation of errors. Validity numbers. Rounding numbers.
c. Tables and graphs. Method of least squares.

3. Scalar and vector quantities. (allowance 0/2)
a. Scalar. Vector. Coordinate system. Cartesian coordinate system. The coordinates of the two- and three-dimensional space.
b. Graphic / algebraic addition and subtraction of vectors. Graphic / algebraic multiplication of vectors.
c. Scalar product of vectors and its geometric interpretation.

4. Scalar and vector quantities (continued). (allowance 0/2)
a. Vector product of vectors graphic / algebraic and geometric interpretation.
b. Angle between two vectors. The angle between two planes. Lwa of cosines.
c. Unit vector. Mixed product of vectors and its geometric interpretation.

5. Kinematics of mass point. (allowance 0/2)
a. Position, time, instantaneous velocity and speed. The path trajectory. Velocity as a vector quantity.
b. The time dependence of the position and velocity for the selected types of linear motions. Examples.
c. Free fall.

6. Kinematics of mass point (continued). (allowance 0/2)
a. Motion in the plane. Elevation angle. Balistic trajectory.
b. Uniform circular motion.

7. Dynamics of mass point. (allowance 0/2)
a. Newton's laws of motion.
b. Vector addition of forces. Inclined plane.
c. Law of gravity, the gravity forces. Gravitational field.

8. Dynamics of mass point (continued). (allowance 0/2)
a. Work, power, efficiency. Conservative and non-conservative forces. Kinetic and potential energy and their connection to work.
b. The law of conservation of mechanical energy in the motion of a particle - the pendulum, fall / litter of mass point, hand catapult.

9. Electrostatics. (allowance 0/2)
a. Electric charge. Coulomb's law. Electric field, electric field intensity. Comparison with the gravity force.
b. Electric potential, electric voltage.
c. Electrical capacity, electrical capacitor, series and parallel connection of electrical capacitors.

10. Dynamics of mass points and rigid body. (allowance 0/2)
a. The law of conservation of momentum, angular momentum. Elastic and inelastic collisions.
b. Rigid body. Moment of inertia. Kinetic energy of a rotating rigid body.

11. Mechanics of fluids. (allowance 0/2)
a. Hydrostatics. Density. Pressure.
b. Hydrostatic pressure, Pascal's Law, hydraulic press.
c. Archimedes. Density measurement.

12. Oscillations and waves. (allowance 0/4)
a. Harmonic vibration, mechanical linear harmonic oscillator.
b. Harmonická vlna. Huygensov princíp. Zákon lomu a odrazu. Skladanie vlnenia. Stojaté vlnenie.
c. Wave propagation, wave interference. Polarization of waves.

Recommended or required reading:
  • LUKEŠ, V. – KLEIN, E. Fyzika I: Úlohy a testy. In.
  • LUKEŠ, V. – KLEIN, E. Fyzika II – Úlohy a testy. Bratislava: Nakladateľstvo STU , 2011. 155 s. ISBN 978-80-227-3571-1.
  • LUKEŠ, V. – SLÁDEK, V. – VAGÁNEK, A. Základy fyziky -Príklady [elektronický zdroj]. Bratislava : Slovenská chemická knižnica, 2012. 64 s. ISBN 978-80-89597-00-0.
  • BANÍK, I. – VESELSKÝ, J. Fyzika na SvF Slovenskej technickej univerzity a niekoľko námetov na netradičné experimenty. In Matematicko-fyzikální vědy ve výuce geodézie a kartografie: Sborník referátů.Brno,ČR,17.-18.2.2011. Brno : ECON, 2011, s. 79–97. ISBN 978-80-86433-53-0.
  • ZÁMEČNÍK, J. – BANÍK, I. – BANÍK, R. Fyzika netradične - mechanika. Bratislava : Alfa, 1990. 416 s. ISBN 80-05-00041-3.
  • ZÁMEČNÍK, J. – BANÍK, I. – BANÍK, R. Fyzika netradične: Mechanika. Bratislava : Alfa, 1990. 416 s.
  • LUKEŠ, V. – ANNUS, J. – FEDORKO, P. – HOLÁ, O. – ILČIN, M. – KLEIN, E. Fyzika (Praktikum). Nakladateľstvo STU, 2011. 263 s. ISBN 978-80-227-3570-4.
  • HALLIDAY, D. – RESNICK, R. – WALKER, J. – CHRISTMAN, J. A Student''s Companion. Fundamentals of Physics 5/E. New York : John Wiley & Sons, 1997. 698 s. ISBN 0-471-15950-6.
  • HALLIDAY, D. – RESNICK, R. – WALKER, J. – SHI, J J. Complete Solutions Manual. Volume 1 - Chapters 1-21. Fundamentals of Physics 5/E. New York : John Wiley & Sons, 1997. 619 s. ISBN 0-471-15949-2.
  • HALLIDAY, D. – RESNICK, R. – WALKER, J. – SHI, J J. Complete Solutions Manual. Volume 2 - Chapters 22-45. Fundamentals of Physics 5/E. New York : John Wiley & Sons, 1997. 620 s. ISBN 0-471-17161-1.
  • WALKER, J. – HALLIDAY, D. – RESNICK, R. Fundamentals of physics. New York : John Wiley & Sons, 2008. 1248 s. ISBN 978-0-471-75801-3.
  • HALLIDAY, D. – RESNICK, R. Fundamentals of physics. New York : John Wiley & Sons, 1986. 880 s.
  • HALLIDAY, D. – RESNICK, R. Fundamentals of physics. New York : John Wiley & Sons, 1988. 977 s. ISBN 0-471-81989-1.
  • HALLIDAY, D. – RESNICK, R. – WALKER, J. Fyzika: Vysokoškolská učebnica obecné fyziky. Z angl.orig. Brno : VUTIUM, 2000. 1198 s. ISBN 80-214-1869-9.
  • HALLIDAY, D. – RESNICK, R. – WALKER, J. Fyzika. Část 1. Mechanika: Vysokoškolská učebnice obecné fyziky. Brno : VUTIUM, 2000. 328 s. ISBN 80-214-1868-0.
  • HALLIDAY, D. – RESNICK, R. – WALKER, J. Fyzika: Část 2: Mechanika - Termodynamika: Vysokoškolská učebnice obecné fyziky. Brno : VUTIUM, 2000. 246 s. ISBN 80-214-1868-0.
  • HALLIDAY, D. – RESNICK, R. – WALKER, J. Fyzika. Část 3. Elektřina a magnetismus: Vysokoškolská učebnice obecné fyziky. Brno : VUTIUM, 2000. ISBN 80-214-1868-0.
  • HALLIDAY, D. – RESNICK, R. – WALKER, J. Fyzika. Část 4. Elektromagnetické vlny. Optika. Relativita: Vysokoškolská učebnice obecné fyziky. Brno : VUTIUM, 2000. ISBN 80-214-1868-0.
  • HALLIDAY, D. – RESNICK, R. – WALKER, J. Fyzika. Část 5. Moderní fyzika: Vysokoškolská učebnice obecné fyziky. Brno : VUTIUM, 2000. ISBN 80-214-1868-0.
  • HALLIDAY, D. – RESNICK, R. – WALKER, J. – CHRISTMAN, J. Instructor''s Manual. Fundamentals of Physics 5/E. New York : John Wiley & Sons, 1997. 408 s. ISBN 0-471-15527-6.
  • RESNICK, R. – HALLIDAY, D. – KRANE, K S. Physics: Volume 1. New York : John Wiley & Sons, 1992. 592 s. ISBN 0-471-80458-4.
  • RESNICK, R. – HALLIDAY, D. – KRANE, K S. Physics: Volume 2. Extended Version. New York : John Wiley & Sons, 1992. 593 s. ISBN 0-471-54804-9.
Language of instruction:
Slovak, English
Assessed students in total:

A 56.9 %

B 14.7 %

C 15.2 %

D 9.1 %

E 3.8 %

FX 0.3 %

Course supervisor:
prof. Ing. Vladimír Lukeš, DrSc.
Last modification:
19. 9. 2019

Department of Chemical Physics

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