Our institute offers PhD study in year 2010/11 in program Proces Control (study field Automation). Applications can be sent until 21.5.2010.

PhD study in Process Control is financed for 4 years. The offered subjects include robust control, time-delay control (assoc. prof. Bakošová), intelligent neurofuzzy control (assoc. prof. Dvoran), optimal, predictive control, virtual and remote laboratories (prof. Fikar). Contact the respective supervisor for more detailed information about study theme, qualiffication requirements and work conditions.

This program is open to all EU citizens with the equal rights as Slovak students. In addition, starting from 2010/11, students from Ukraine, Moldovia, White Russia, Bosna and Montenegro, and Serbia have the same rights as Slovak students (fellowship starting with 500 Eur, accommodation, student status, etc).


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